The Earth Day is a particularly huge day to look forward to for every enviro-activist and this year's wasn't different.
I really looked forward to the day while making conclusions on the best way to mark the Earth Day which is celebrated on the 22nd of April annually. After careful observations and deep thoughts I settled for awareness as I deemed it very quintessential at this time as the majority of Nigerians are not in the know when it comes to the Earth Day and Environment in particular. Even more disappointing is the fact that some government bodies that should know about the Earth Day don't. This was evident in their lack of any real activity to mark the day. So, on the 21st day of April, 2015, I was interviewed for one hour on my university radio station after speaking with the manger of our station, UNIZIK 94.1 FM RADIO STATION Awka, the previous day on the for the interview to help create awareness for the Earth Day. She was happy and granted my wish. On the interview, I spoke on many environmental issues including the history of earth day, threats to our environment, the Nigerian situation and my plans going forward. The interview started at 10am on the day and my station manager, Mrs. Ify Obi, was very impressed and requested strongly that I write a news story for the next day, out of the very informative interview I had. I did exactly that and it was on our news bulletin throughout the Earth Day proper- on the 22nd of April, 2015. It was read six times on the Earth Day. Probably inspired by my interview, one of our reporters wrote a commentary on the Earth Day which was also read on the 22nd of April and I found out when I went to the news room, shortly after my interview on the 21st, to inform them that I will be sending them a commentary on the earth day which I will write later in the day. I then encouraged the producer to use the commentary of that reporter even when he strongly insisted on having mine, I did that just to encourage more interest in the environment and thankfully, the reporter's commentary was read on the day. If not for anything, I am happy for the huge awareness created. You can listen to the interview here: > https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4UauN-C5hTlZDl1QVpTTXFNdlk/edit?usp=drive_web You can listen to the news here: > https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4UauN-C5hTlaGYxcXBOTTZfYW8/edit?usp=drive_web