From the strengths of hydropower to sustainable green development: Dagachhu hydro-power project in Bhutan
The undertaking of 126 MW Dagachhu Hydro-power Project as the world's first cross-border Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has promising trends in contributing at ecological sustainability.
The trend of the global energy sufficiency shows that there has been increasing energy consumption by the consumers with excessive use of the environmental resources – exhibiting a negative style of progress. We are already witnessing the uneven climatic changes, there has been greater wildlife displacement and the Poles are not what it used to be decades ago. Studies have also showcased species extinctions and effects of nuclear power - in short, snowballing of ecological crisis.
With 15% investment as a shareholder, the National Pension and Provident Fund (NPPF) in Bhutan takes pride in having undertaken the Dagachhu Hydro-power Project that will in long run minimize threats and educate about environmental risks to a greater mass and promote environmental progress across the borders.
With thermal dominated Indian energy market, there is a rising demand and increasing reliance on a particular energy source thereby alleviating the greenhouse gas emission. In the case of Bhutan, it remains carbon neutral. Renewable Energy is promoted through hydropower resources that are green and clean. Since most of the power generated in Bhutan is exported to India, Hydropower Projects such as Dagachhu project is expected to help meet the demand of power and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in India. In green terms, exporting of clean energy to India under Dagachhu project is expected to reduce Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 500,000 tonnes per year. As much as promoting green trade and green economy, in a wider scale, it will stimulate low carbon growth, diffusing low carbon technologies and exploring green power for innovative and green sustainable development.
NPPF acknowledges the cons of hydropower to the ecological diversity but is equally convinced with the green progress that hydro-power brings with it along – the primary one being, it is clean. NPPF is looking forward in investing to more CDM projects reaffirming that living as one in this global world is everyone's responsibility.
Happiness for all.
Dear Karma,
Thank you for answering my question. I am aware of the benefits of hydro-power, that is why it is currently one of the most well-developed renewable energy. The "Carbon Trading" is a great way to reduce carbon emission if every nation play by its rules.
I just wish the beauty of nature is preserved while we satisfy the need for electricity.
Thanks again :)
Posted 20-11-2014 22:51
That is cool Karma. Innovation is really achieving both development and efficiency. :) Thanks Karma!
Posted 20-11-2014 10:18
@Jung lin Dear Jung, as you are aware, though hydropower generation consumes environmental degradation and habitat displacement in the ecosystem, in the long run as agreed, there is safety. The power generated being clean, much of the spill over of the electricity generated is being traded as Carbon Trading in the market. And I support this idea if "Carbon Trading". Dagachhu Hydorpower Project intends the same. The power generated will be exported to the neighbouring nation which will help reduce CO2 emissions by 50,000 tonnes per year. And that is a massive amount of CO2 being absorbed from the atmosphere. Hydropower is definitely, one of the answers
@Rohan The project is expected to be launched by January 2015. I eagerly look forward for its inception myself.
Posted 19-11-2014 23:03
Thank you for sharing. May I ask how does the NPPF minimize the environmental threats caused by the development of hydro-power?
Posted 19-11-2014 22:31
Thanks for reporting Karma. Green & clean energy is expensive in the beginning but it pay off in long run as the maintenance costs are less & life is longer.
I hope this project is a huge success.
Posted 19-11-2014 20:28
@Jekk Mickale Paderes Yes. What u said is true! Green and clean energy is expensive. While such projects may seem impossible for startups, I think that the solution for green development lies in innovation. Green energy such as recycling wastes is the first initiative that does not seem distant, isn't it?
Posted 19-11-2014 14:37
Nice report. That is initiative! An industry in favor for the sustainable development of the environment. Green and clean energy is expensive yet it is efficient in the long run. Thanks for posting Karma!
Posted 19-11-2014 14:13