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65 km Cycling Challenge

by | 26-01-2014 20:56 recommendations 0

Cycling is a good way for your keeping your body stay healthy. Cycling is the easiest sport after walking which doesn't need high level of stamina. Everyone can do it. The way when you use the pedal is good to work your muscle out. Based on Better Health Channel, can be done in either very intense frequency or very low frequency. After you had an injury, you still can keep going cycle in a very low frequency for a start. Cycling also good to maintain your breathe since cycling require constant movement of the pedal and it could be slow or high speed.

This is the video of mine when I was cycling for 65 km Solo - Jogja Cycling Challenge

It's inspired by my Dad when he was studying in Universitas Gadjah Mada in 70s. I started questioning myself "Can I?". Even I'm a vegetarian, doesn't mean that being vegetarian is a kind of weak and unenergetic person. This early morning I was challenging myself to go cycling from Solo to Jogja for about 65 km (from 6.23 to 10.08 am), since I already left my motorcycle home. Went cycling with my old bicycle that I've got by saving from my per diem in primary school reminds me of how my parents treating me this way, of which was made me who I am now. Hoping that this bicycle fetch to the better places.

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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    By cycling, we can save both our health and the planet!
    Bicycles are green, and they help us travel long distances.
    Good job Rida!! :D
    Posted 03-02-2014 23:21

  • says :
    Me too love cycling Rida. Every evening I make it a point to visit market or museum on cycle & take 1-2 KM round. It is an excellent exercise also. You video is amazing.
    Posted 02-02-2014 21:22

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    I saw the video. Your efforts are amazing, Rida. Special effects of video are amazing, some visuals esp. the colorful Mosque are wonderful. Congrats & Keep it up!
    Posted 30-01-2014 19:50

  • says :
    Agreed Rida for our sustainable future and to keep us away from many types of diseases cycling is must.
    Posted 30-01-2014 15:10

  • says :
    We must say not only for health but for the environment as well.
    Posted 28-01-2014 18:18

  • says :
    Cycling helps a lot to keep our body healthy. It involves stretching of muscles and continuous exercise.
    Posted 28-01-2014 09:07

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Cycling is best for us and the planet too!
    Posted 27-01-2014 19:32

  • says :
    Cycling is very good for your health indeed. Thanks for sharing with us Rida
    Posted 27-01-2014 18:53

  • says :
    Wow it's really surprising! you made a great job, Rida :D
    Posted 27-01-2014 11:14

  • says :
    I totally agree with you Rida, i have 2 cycles at my home that i use it frequently
    Posted 27-01-2014 05:10

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Yes Rida , agree with you that there are innumerable benefits of cycling.
    Posted 27-01-2014 02:45

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