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Yes, We can help !

by | 02-01-2014 16:28 recommendations 0

            Can you tell how hot it is during summer and how cold it is during the winter? If you have not noticed, it is getting hotter and colder. This is happening because of climate change. The climate change is happening because of external factors from us, humans. The more harmful chemicals and gases we put into the atmosphere, the more the climate will change. Basically, the climate change is making earth?s temperature rise.

The air, water, and wind are all linked to the climate change. The worse the climate change gets, the harsher these natural occurrences will be, for example the recent unprecedented devastation in the Philippines. That happened because the climate has been changing. You may ask, ?So what if it gets warmer? Why does it matter?? It matters because the hotter earth gets, the more bad effects there are for us! More forced climate change means that the earth is more out of whack. That means we cannot do as many awesome things like skiing during winter or playing on the beach during the summer.

The forced climate change we are putting the earth through can be avoided if we take some precautions. Using less transportation can help with the forced climate change. If people walked or rode their bikes more often, the more active they could become, improving their health. This would not only benefit them, but also benefit our earth. More innovative environmental equipment such as the Toyota Hybrid Prius, the less gas and carbon we put into the atmosphere, the better. What other ways can we help prevent the climate change?









Picture from nature.org.



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  • says :
    Climate change is a slow but certain killer.
    Posted 12-01-2014 16:38

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Good article. inspiring.
    Posted 09-01-2014 15:43

  • says :
    There can be innumerable ways to check the climate change. Here in Nepal, people are overusing the natural resources because most of them are poor and have got no idea that such activities can result the change in climate. So, making the people aware about importance of biodiversity, 3R, using eco-friendly energy sources, etc. can help a lot. Further more I believe that the economic status of the people should be good so that they won't exploit the environment to fulfill their basic needs.
    Posted 07-01-2014 13:58

  • says :
    So, our every behavior is linked to the climate change and it requires our collective transition to eco-friendly life style, right? Thank you for the nice article, Gaa Bhin :)
    Posted 02-01-2014 17:49

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Other ways could be -to use energy efficient appliances , to reduce wastage , reuse materials as much as possible , to recycle newspapers/aluminium cans/plastic , to stop using bottled water rather go for filter system , to plant more and more trees , to use small fonts in every correspondence to able to reduce paper needed for print outs , to stop keeping electrical gadgets at standby , to rely on day light rather electricity in day time , to go on eco friendly vacation, etc.
    Posted 02-01-2014 16:57

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