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save electricity save energy

by | 04-01-2014 22:31 recommendations 0

Electricity is important for us .It is play important role in our life.Source of generating electricity is coal ,solar energy ,wind energy.some are renewable and some are non- renewable .Coal is made when decomposition of tree,it takes thousand of year.for generating of electricity then take maximum amount of coal .when you have need electicity then switch on but when you have no need of electricity then switch off ,then you automatically save environment.
save electricity

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  • says :
    Its a basic necessity in today's world. Thanks for sharing!!!
    Posted 25-01-2014 18:17

  • says :
    Electricity saved = electricity produced. The more savings the better.
    Posted 12-01-2014 16:31

  • says :
    you are absolutely right and i agree with you Satish
    Posted 08-01-2014 23:01

  • says :
    good point
    Posted 08-01-2014 06:42

  • says :
    Electricity has become like basic need of people for now. You are right that we need to save the electricity.
    Posted 07-01-2014 13:32

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Yes Satish , agree with you , use electricity only when you need else it is wastage. Infact during day time we should rely on daylight from sun through windows-this is what I have been doing .
    Posted 05-01-2014 13:55

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