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Discussing Green Living

by | 24-06-2015 01:04 recommendations 0

My friend Prashant Bhandari brought the Green Living Slides from this website on which we discussed today.

A part of me gets angry about the present setting of Environment degradation and its impacts. People in developing countries spend hours without electricity, couldn't take their vehicle even if they want to, dont have huge industries yet they are the ones who are on the frontline should any disaster come. This make me almost turn blind side to environment issues but anotherpart of me reminds i belong to mothé earth first then a political boundry.

So, I think if we are to actually see a sustainable civilization inwhich green living ispractised, we ought to start with healthy distrubition of resources.

with frienda

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  • says :
    A very good thought.. keep going!
    Posted 26-08-2015 10:03

  • says :
    Great to see you Madan in elite eco generation platform 😁
    and with youths like you I am hopeful green living will be the minstream living
    Posted 27-06-2015 00:22

  • says :
    You express yourself no matter how harsh it may appear... the problem is there & the commitment despite dissatisfaction is praiseworthy.
    I guess we as a society & a country need to develop & adopt new tracks of development , the one developed countries used is clearly faulty.
    We shall continue our discussions.
    Posted 25-06-2015 23:21

  • says :
    Dear brother Madan, first of all welcome to this elite platform Tunza Eco- generation :)
    I am so happy to go through your genuine thoughts as an aspiring youth of a developing country. No matter where we live and what circumstances we go through, we should take care of our responsibilities.
    So happy that Prashant brother share Green Living tool kit with you all :)
    Posted 25-06-2015 21:56

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    It's happy to see the smiling faces in the library. Thanks for sharing your opinion on the Green living. We truly should think of the developing countries where they don't have enough energy to consume.
    Posted 25-06-2015 17:06

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Hi Madan! Thanks on sharing your thought!!! =D I do agree with you. Keep going!! Together we can change locally and them globally!!!
    Posted 25-06-2015 09:45

  • says :
    All the best Madan Subedi !
    Posted 24-06-2015 11:01

  • says :
    I am happy to get to know you through this posting, Madan :)
    I double agreed your comment. There are clearly so many disparities in every aspect in the world. But your decisive mind for protecting mother nature did touch my heart. I will also put effort to your green living way. All the best!
    Posted 24-06-2015 10:01

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