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World Report View


by Anthony Emecheta | 24-06-2015 10:31 recommendations 0

In the spirit of World Environment Day (WED), I decided to share Green Living with pupils. Choosing pupils over student was a deliberate choice because I am a strong advocator of a better tomorrow through re-orienting the younger generation.

Picking a school was a little difficult because there are lots of them here (albeit ill equipped). One thing was certain, I was taking my campaign to the grass root. I sent out letters and it wasn?t a surprise to me when a neighbouring school close to where I once taught gave me a nod.

On the dawn of 12th June 2015, I packed my bad with my teaching aids and souvenir and set out for the journey. Thanks to Tunza Eco-generation t-shirt, identifying myself was lot easier. I was greeted by familiar faces, children who defected from the school I once taught to the neighbouring school for-God-knows-what reasons.

Their enthusiasm and thrill from viewing the graphic images from my laptop glared on their faces. They sold me their unwavering silence (mind you, silence is a rare thing among children in this vicinity).

I was elated myself when the children understood what a solar panel was and one of them pointed out to me that they had one in their house. they also answered some of the questions I threw to them to my admiration.

We enjoyed ourselves and at the end of the lesson, I asked them questions pertaining what I just taught them and though they raised their hands, not all were lucky to get my souvenir. It is so wonderful and fulfilling to contribute to mother earth.

Before I left, I dropped the lesson note with the Head teacher and beckoned on him to find a way of including it into their syllable and he agreed. I went home a happy man.

Anthony Enjoying 2015 WED Teaching Environment Anthony Enjoying 2015 WED Teaching Environment Anthony Enjoying 2015 WED Teaching Environment Anthony Enjoying 2015 WED Teaching Environment Anthony Enjoying 2015 WED Teaching Environment

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  • Dormant user Anthony Emecheta
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  • Hema Sapkota says :
    Greeting Anthony
    I hope you are doing well!
    Thank you so much for this report!
    Keep writing
    Green cheers
    Posted 22-03-2020 11:21

  • says :
    It's not small, it's really heart-warming and inspiring work dear :)
    Posted 06-07-2015 11:02

  • Anthony Emecheta says :
    Thank you all for your kind words. I am encouraged to do more knowing there is a family in Tunza that appreciates my small efforts.
    Posted 04-07-2015 08:34

  • says :
    Good work anthony
    Posted 27-06-2015 13:48

  • says :
    Kudos to your effort Anthony ^_^
    Posted 27-06-2015 00:39

  • says :
    Well done! It's great to see children from an early age to learn about solar panels. Especially in Nigeria where there is a lot of sun, solar panels must be very efficient!
    Posted 26-06-2015 02:08

  • says :
    Wow! I am so happy to go through your wonderful report after long dear Anthony. Hats off to you efforts for choosing those pupils to disseminate Green Living concept. I am sure the students were very happy to receive the souvenirs from you.
    Keep going my dear! Cheers :)
    Posted 25-06-2015 21:47

  • Arushi Madan says :
    What an initiative on WED! Good job , Anthony. Proud of you. Inculcating environmental values to younger generation , ensures greener generation. Leaders like you who not only lead from front but also work from grassroot level , can definitely bring a big change in this world.Thanks for a well written report.
    Posted 25-06-2015 16:20

  • says :
    Great work done by you, Anthony! I feel proud that I am friend of you :D
    What a sweet gift for the children for World Environment Day~
    Wow, please go on your good work. Thumbs up!!
    Posted 25-06-2015 11:05

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    What a great job mate!! Well done! Keep going and lets change this world!!!! =D =D
    Posted 25-06-2015 09:47

  • says :
    Great work done Anthony.
    Keep it up!!
    Thanks for sharing.:)
    Posted 24-06-2015 13:40

  • says :
    well done!! happy to see leaders around the world with alot of ambition to change the world and make a change about climate issues , thanks for sharing Anthony! and bravo!
    Posted 24-06-2015 11:05

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