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CIFOR Field Study: IGAF & TPB IPB students [Part 2]

by | 04-07-2015 00:18 recommendations 0

Friday May, 29th 2015.
General sociology P08.1 and IGAF LC IPB have visited CIFOR to study field the pattern of ecological adaptation . the event was hosted by Nurul Amri K as assistant general sociology P08.1 and Echa of landscape architecture 51. Introduced by CIFOR short then, after that presentation about Greenhouse gases in tropical peat land by Ms. Satria Oktarita, Next presentation is about Greenhouse gases emissions after forest conversion to smallholder rubber and oil palm plantation in Sumatra by Ms. Fitri Aini And Finally Presentation about SWAMP Toolbox and PIN Toolbox by Mr. Sigit Deni Sasmito.
And the next session is Questions and Answers. Many participants are interest and they ask questions to all speakers... After Q&A Session from all participants, now, it's time to Speakers to ask questions to all participants.. and they are who can answer the question well, they get a book as a gift from the speakers..
Really a very enjoyable session today, hopefully you get useful knowledge.

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  • says :
    Great pictures!
    Posted 18-08-2015 17:16

  • says :
    thank you for sharing such great collection of photos.
    Posted 10-08-2015 22:02

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing the fruitful event, Achmad! It must have been a real good opportunity to explore the ecology :D It must go on, All the best for you and the team of IGAF!!!
    Posted 06-07-2015 14:47

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