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Planting Trees, Planting Hope :)

by Sujan Adhikari | 05-07-2015 19:57 recommendations 0

Planting trees, Planting hopes
Hopes without ropes ,
No need to drag 
and no need to stare ,
It only needs our love and care
Care to show we are brother
Love to always go together 

If any one gonna ask me ," Whats the most effective way to combat Climate Change?"Certainly my answer will be plantation/afforestation.

Righto, plantation is the present work for future generations and its the time we need to increase trees number to reduce CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere, environment we are living. If not , temperature will rise up and chances of survival will dwindle to less percentage. 

Yeah, its our activity for our daily life activities. I reckon plantation reclusively helps to reduce green house gases to optimum level. So, with this motive we planted about 300 trees with active participation of school students. 

 Plantation program :: 

 It was our pre planned program under EFLGP, students planned for plantation program on our facilitation and plan was done accordingly. 

No. Of Trees planted :: approx. 300

Trees planted:: 

 Chinese Berry - 200 
 Emblica officinalis  - 10 
 Thuja compacta - 10 
 Mangosteen    - 50
 Pine    - 10 
Rauvolfi serpentina           - 5

School:: Siddhi Vinayak Ma. Bi, Baseni, Bharatpur 

Students excitation ::: 

Students were overwhelmed for plantation program. Aye, its the result of our 2 months long Environment Friendly Local Governance Program (EFLGP) we had done. Its such moment that shows how our facilitation is working. Really its joyous to watch this moment. Each student planted one tree. Their energy to plant these young saplings was imperishable. When we take every environment activities as a fun, its really easy on the go.

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  • Dormant user Sujan Adhikari
  • recommend


  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Greeting Sujan
    I hope you are doing pretty well
    Keep it up with good work!
    Thank you so much for this report
    Keep writing
    Green cheers!
    Posted 11-05-2020 03:34

  • Basanta Adhikari says :
    Greeting Sujan
    I hope you are doing well
    Nicely written
    Thank you so much for this report.
    Keep writing
    Green cheers!
    Posted 23-03-2020 10:58

  • Horticulturist Susmita says :
    Greetings sujan
    I hope you are doing well

    Thank you so much for this report
    Keep writing

    Green cheers
    Posted 15-03-2020 15:40

  • says :
    great going............... good job
    Posted 21-08-2015 00:49

  • says :
    I liked the lines! Thanks for sharing!
    Posted 18-08-2015 17:15

  • says :
    Great job! if like you all of us understand our responsibility of planting more and more tree for the benefit of MOTHER NATURE,then surely it will be one big step towards conservation of our planet.Such works and programs are really an inspiration to others out there.Well done!
    Posted 02-08-2015 05:02

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    Thank you Disha, Yeah it was a good work by our team.. Really this Environment Friendly Local Governance Program is going well.

    Posted 24-07-2015 22:36

  • says :
    That was a great initiative. Since each student planted one tree, they would all feel a sense of responsibility. Good ideas and good job in total :)
    Posted 24-07-2015 17:26

  • says :
    Planting Trees along with these kids, Good work Sujan )
    Posted 09-07-2015 11:45

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    LOL ! Eco Gen , Photos represent more than text we write here.
    So to present the report vividly photos are must.
    Thanks Eco Gen )
    Posted 09-07-2015 11:36

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    Yes Bindu, it was a great time planting trees along with these students )
    Posted 09-07-2015 11:35

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    WOW great photos! :D You're good at taking good pictures with good frames. :D Thanks for sharing and keep going green!
    Posted 09-07-2015 08:59

  • says :
    We really had a great time planting together with those students. Cheers for the wonderful event we had joined for the Green cause :)
    Posted 08-07-2015 13:17

  • Prakriti Dhakal says :
    It only needs our love and care
    Care to show we are brother
    Love to always go together

    What a good line !!
    Really it needs love and care and we dont need to drag the hope and stare tree.
    Good work from your team.
    Posted 07-07-2015 18:46

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    Robin, it was my privilege to take such enthusiastic youth there. Its fun na to be with this young minds Robin.
    Posted 07-07-2015 18:27

  • says :
    Thanks Rahul.. )
    Posted 07-07-2015 18:02

  • says :
    Yes Sujan it was a great program indeed. We planted about great no. of tress. Thanks for taking me there.
    Posted 07-07-2015 18:01

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    Yes Susmita, Planting tree with love and care helps to establish tuneful relationship with environment as you said.
    Thanks Sushmita aka Gaire :)
    Posted 07-07-2015 17:53

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    Yes Christy, Trees are always better to reduce GHGs. And thank you for encouraging me. We need people like you always )

    You are always awesome :)
    Posted 07-07-2015 17:51

  • says :
    indeed it only needs love and care to establish tuneful relationship with environment.......only then we can achieve our goal and can deal with challanges of climate change ....
    great going sujan ......^_^
    Posted 06-07-2015 23:32

  • says :
    Wow, you did a great work, Sujan :D Thank you for sharing with good pictures. You must feel proud of you and the students of the school! I can't wait to see the fruits of the mangosteen trees~ I double agree with you, the best way to combat the climate change is cherishing trees and forests!
    Posted 06-07-2015 15:19

  • says :
    And yes happy to students getting into action . It was the same school where I and Aksana went for eco class
    Posted 06-07-2015 09:46

  • says :
    300 saplings
    quite a good number
    get job by you, Bindu di and Robin
    Posted 06-07-2015 09:44

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