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My Youth Expression to the Government of UAE

by | 07-07-2015 05:20 recommendations 0

The youth of today has a sense of purpose in life. We play the role of shaping the nation. Tunza Eco-generation and many other interactive websites provide youth with platforms and encourage them in making this world a better place to live in.

UAE is an environmentally smart and eco-friendly country that has already achieved a lot in the environment fields. Smart cities, wise use of solar energy and geo-grid designs are only a few examples.

However, as a teenager, I am tuned to dream big and expect more. 

So, I grabbed the opportunity when I was invited to give a speech at the Government and Municipal Best Practices Summit. This summit took place on June 15, 2015 and I was asked to deliver a speech highlighting the expectations of youth from the Government of UAE.

Although I was the only person below the age of 18 present in the summit, the audience was very supportive and appreciative. H.E. Dr. Rashid Bin Fahad, UAE Minister for Water and Environment was among the dignitaries present at the summit. He appreciated my efforts and also asked for all of the youth, not only in UAE but also around the globe, to share the responsibility in achieving a common goal.

So, as representatives of strong will, do share with me on how we can work together and ultimately achieve a pollution free environment!

The Minister's message Motivating the officials :)

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  • says :
    Posted 18-08-2015 17:13

  • says :
    Presenting in such summit where dignitaries of high calibre were present is such a great feat. Congrat! While reading a publication on sustainability which I downloaded from Institution of Structural Engineers, I came across one (proposed) Masdar City which is to be the world's first zero carbon, zero waste, car-free city, 100% reliant on renewable energy and uses grey water (waste water) for irrigation- a synergetic environment & entirely sustaining city in UAE. I don't know if you've heard about this city or you know about the progress of its construction. If you do, I'll be glad to know more about this sustainable city that elicit awe.
    Posted 02-08-2015 09:10

  • says :
    Congrats on presenting in front of a huge audience.As we know UAE's concern towards Environment and the activities they hold.I feel that like you all the youths must come forward and adopt eco friendly practices.
    Posted 02-08-2015 05:09

  • says :
    Great job Disha on representing the UAE youth in the Best practices summit.
    BTW Welcome again to this wonder forum and congrats on your first posting.
    I had heard your TED talk in my school, you did a good job in there too.
    All the best for your future reports
    Posted 30-07-2015 01:52

  • says :
    Great job Disha! Keep it up
    Posted 11-07-2015 16:13

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Congrats on your successful speech! Thanks for sharing your great experience in front of many audience! Thanks to our UAE Ambassadors, we do know UAE is always on the green side of the road. This is really amazing country! :D
    Posted 09-07-2015 09:03

  • says :
    Thank you Christy, Arushi, Sujan and Bindu for the warm welcome and motivation. I will surely keep writing and I hope all of you would be able to give me your views for the next posts!
    Posted 08-07-2015 15:36

  • says :
    Dear Disha, wow! so glad to read your first report and much happy to know about your speech at Government and Municipal Best Practices Summit. Also, I would like to warmly welcome you in this elite platform.
    Keep going, keep posting :)
    Posted 08-07-2015 13:31

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    Hi Disha,
    Warm welcome to this platform from me and Tunza E-Gen.
    You are already a step ahead in environmental activities and words above show you are conscious about these issues.

    we all together will make a new way for betterment of mother Earth. So Common share your activities with us.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 07-07-2015 21:57

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Hi Disha , welcome again on this amazing forum and also for your first report.
    UAE is indeed a smart and eco-friendly country and has been ceaselessly doing a lot in terms of sustainability . Glad to know that you delivered a strong speech in front of high profile dignitaries. I also heard your TED talk the other day. Good going , Disha. Looking forward to your future reports as well.All the best.
    Posted 07-07-2015 18:15

  • says :
    Hi Disha~congratulations for your first posting :) I double agree with you in terms of UAE's strong drive toward the Eco-friendly world. You did a great work with showing the 'strong will' in front of many prestigious guests. Good job done~
    Posted 07-07-2015 16:57

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