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by | 27-08-2015 11:41 recommendations 0

         Nepal  is a Himalayan country with area of 1,47,181 sq.km has been regarded as the natural showroom of biodiversity because of its unique geo topography which is reflected in its dramatic contrast of climatic condition, which in turn reflected in floral and faunal variation, such biodiversity have supported the livelihood of people who live in remote areas of Nepal. Their myths and rituals, as well as their traditional environmental practices, depicts a close relationship between human beings and nature. these local people of different ethnic group traditionally acquired diversity of knowledge regarding the utilization of plant and animal resources , for various purposes like food, medicine, clothing , construction, dyes, ritual performance  etc. Most importantly, their health care system still makes extensive use of locally available plant species   and their products under their own traditional knowledge system .Traditional medicines are still the only defense for poor people living in remote areas living far from modern health care facilities, and about 85% of traditional medicine involves the use of plant extracts.

                Sauraha is located in central part of terai where 48% of total population is tharu.Sauraha is one of the main entrance gate that are very close proximity to the Chitwan National Park. Sauraha was  declared buffer zone area of Chitwan National park in 1996. Generally tharu resides in this area. The people of this community are mainly dependent   upon the medicinal plants for curing their diseases as the medicals are bit far from the community.They have their own way and technique of using the different parts of plants as medicine.Guruwas(Tharu herbalist), Dhamis and Jhakris are considered as doctors of the community . They have wide range of herbal remedies for diseases like indigestion, diarrahea, dysentery, cough, cold , fever etc. Shrestha  et.al(2000)  documented   1624 species of medicinal and aromatic plants of  Nepal, in wild and cultivated state, belonging to 938 genera and 28 families along with their ethno botanical  information, pharmacological action, mode of application and its chemical constituents. It was found that 183 species of medicinal plant was used by tharu community of sauraha?

     Acc to the research by different researchers  around the world,it has been proved that like Tharu lots more ethnic group worldwide  are dependent on plants for medicinal purpose?Medicinal plants has not bad side effect and has other more importance,hence,need to be concerned more on this field and protect the medicinal plants from being extinct..


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  • says :
    thanks dinesh for ur supportive comment :)
    Posted 27-08-2015 22:10

  • says :
    Of course Nepalese community practicing indigenous medicinal culture from very beginning. Some of the problems like unavailability of proper processing facility, preservation facility and knowledge about uses dose are challenges for us. Thanks for sharing about ethno medicinal knowledge..Keep sharing...:)
    Posted 27-08-2015 20:49

  • says :
    yes..but sorry i could not post photos..i guess some error is going on.. :(
    Posted 27-08-2015 15:04

  • says :
    Thanks for your report highlighting the extensive use of medicinal plants to cure a number of diseases by Tharu community.Yes,nature has many benefits to offer.Hence we must conserve it.
    Posted 27-08-2015 13:17

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