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Utiliizing spare time and land

by | 27-08-2015 08:52 recommendations 0

     We stay in hostel.we are completely free here..There is a spare space in front of our room which is cleaned regularly my the staffs otherwise get full  of weed grasses..As an eco-youth and an agriculturist,me along with my room partner decided to utilize that spare space and do something fruitful.then we tilled the space and planned of making our own small hostel garden where we would grow seasonable vegetables..we were very much excited.at first few of other friends laughed at us too..but we didn?t stop ourself.that was  just before winter season and we sowed cauliflower and coriander.we used cow dung of our practical animal farm and regularly watered there..after few months we had our outcome..Looking our output,our neighbor friends also started planting in front of the room.some planted mango sapling and some planted ornamental plants..in this summer also,we planted cucumber but because of our exams we could not give enough time and we failed..cucumber plant couldn?t give better output because of the pest attack.however we are happy that we initiated and also inspired other friends. At present there is capsicum plant growing  cheerfully in front of our room and some saplings of mango. As now our exam is over, we will continue utilizing that spare land again..

          Its  a good idea and also contributes to battle environment problem if all of us keep utilizing even the small wasted area in every possible  ways..Lets think once if we all have similar spare land which could be utilized but isn't yet.. :)

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  • says :
    Being agricultural country, most of the land in country is fallow during production period. Also agriculture land is covered by perennial weeds. You have done very appreciable job and encourage youth like us. Keep sharing your activities....
    Posted 27-08-2015 20:35

  • says :
    :) now we r planning to grow tomatoes on cartoon boxes that is considered as waste..anyways thanks for ur supportive comment :)

    Posted 27-08-2015 19:47

  • says :
    Well done.I appreciate your efforts.You utilized the free space very well by growing seasonal vegetables on it.This way you helped the environment and enjoyed eating organic vegetables free from pesticides.Great job!
    Posted 27-08-2015 17:18

  • says :
    Yeah! that's a great idea and you can eat the food you produce :) That makes you healthy and you can save some amount too :) congratulations Sandhya.
    Posted 27-08-2015 12:18

  • says :
    sorry i could not post any images because when i tried to post it , i failed..i am not getting whats happening!! extremly sorry :(
    Posted 27-08-2015 08:53

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