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AIR-The Precious Thing

by | 29-08-2015 15:15 recommendations 0

Air is the most important thing to survive.We can survive maximum 1 to 2 days without water and 8 to10 days without food but we can't survive even 2 to 3 minutes without air.Today it is getting polluted due to a number of reasons.In order to save environment we need to stop it and the simplest way is to save environment is to plant more and more trees and ask people to stop deforestation.Trees will help in maintaining the balance of the atmosphere.
Plant trees to reduce air pollution

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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    Thanks @Prakriti.
    Posted 13-01-2016 02:30

Eco Generation

  • says :
    Good idea :)
    Posted 30-08-2015 17:13

  • says :
    yeah!! planting double tree for a single cut must be practiced!!! we all need to prote planttation... :)

    Posted 29-08-2015 23:19

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