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World Report View


by | 31-08-2015 21:59 recommendations 0

   Along with the advancement of technologies,various problems are taking a rapid pace.Eutrophication is considered among them.Eutrophication,known as nutrient pollution is the condition of water characterized by the algal blooms because of the higher concentration of nutrients(especially nitrogen and phosphorous )..Eutrophication is a natural slow ageing process for water body which is speed up by human activities..

               Eutrophication is the problem that is rarely untouched in any pond or rivers..Nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous are the one that are produced maximum in the present era because of the growing population..Increase in the population has lead to the increased number of industries and factories that discharges phosphorous to the environment especially the water bodies.Similary,growing demand of food has forced more amount of fertilizers in the field..The fact is that out of 100 % nitrogen used only 20% is utilized in food growth..all other are wasted eventually making its way to water bodies?These all results in the maximum algal blooms in the water body decreasing its beauty..And when the blooms  die ,they suck oxygen from the water bodies and creates dead zone  where the aquatic organisms can not survive. There are other more harmful effects of eutrophication which includes

     1)Economic loss

     2)aesthetic loss

     3)Shift in species composition

     4)disturbed water eco system

     5)health hazards in other beings

             Eutrophication should be minimized inn order to control those harmful effects..It has been said that agriculture is the leading source of eutrophication .Hence,it is important to focus on developing sustainable agricultural policies that can help achieve food security without compromising water qualities..And there must be proper management of those sewages from industries as well ....


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  • Prakriti Dhakal says :
    Its all due to unplanned way of farming , thanks sis for your informative article .
    Posted 13-01-2016 01:24

  • says :
    yes..and also increases turbidity of pond which harms the survival of fish!! :)
    Posted 13-09-2015 10:15

  • says :
    this is how become upland farming and aquaculture can become a detriment to the environment. Go for sustainable agriculture!
    Posted 13-09-2015 01:28

  • says :
    yeah!! though shaded its consequences are harmful...
    Posted 05-09-2015 10:16

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for the report mate and to explain us about this process. Keep it up. =)
    Posted 04-09-2015 12:49

  • says :
    Yeah exactly dear Sandhya, Eutrophication is shaded and rarely given concern. I also got to know about it through my fisheries studies..Of course sustainable agricultural practice is a way to minimize it :)
    Posted 04-09-2015 11:18

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