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World Report View


by | 01-09-2015 21:11 recommendations 0

    Got overwhelmed when saw the alertness about energy saving in a small boy of about age 10 yrs..Well,I m talking about the incident which I witnessed yesterday evening at the hotel which lies on my way to market..

           I was with my friend to meet his uncle yesterday.We entered a small hotel to have our  talk flavoured  with some food items.And there  what I saw made me smile and the motivation springed from within me.A small worker boy of the hotel was switching off the fan after the customer from each table had departed..I had never seen such before?Generally in public hotels in our country,people are irresponsible..they don?t care about the electricity and the switches are always in on mode haphazardly..But,yesterday seeing that boy I felt like omg!!And the hotel owner was shouting on that boy blaming that he was just wasting time playing with switches despite doing his job..The small boy replied imaginary answer .he told that it was our duty to save energy on the best possible ways. I got shocked how a small servant boy of the hotel could have such knowledge!!!I called him on our table and asked about the reason to switch off the fan and more about the answer he had replied to the owner..He replied that on his way to vegetable market he had coincided a event where some people were teaching small aged students about energy and pollution a day before..He further showed his curiosity about solar energy to me.He had listened that word but was unable to attend the full event as he was getting late and the owner would scold him for that..I got inspired by his curiosity and told him the things what I knew about solar energy and pollution,energy wastage and encouraged him about his duties as a responsible citizen..I also told him about global warming in brief..I m not sure if he understood it properly or not because we were also getting late to go back to hostel..During that conversation,I shared my momo with him..He enjoyed my momo with paratha and replied humorously that he was showing his acceptance against food wastage by having momo with paratha..(momo with paratha is odd to eat).. I further came to know that he was deprived of education and felt bad .But I could not talk about this with the owner because we were already getting late..But I have promised myself on the way that I will talk with the hotel owner for his right to education..I will try my best to convince him when I will visit next time there.

         On the whole way back, I kept thinking  only  if all the citizens would be aware about their responsibilities towards saving mother Earth, how the world would be!!!! And committed myself to take every step from small to big to battle global warming!!

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  • Prakriti Dhakal says :
    the little kid , really awesome .
    Its a great idea to save energy , salute for his curiosity and ness , i wish everyone think in the same way as he does .
    Posted 13-01-2016 01:22

  • says :
    thanks for motivating me as well.. And yeah i was amazed listening that boy..the hotel owner also had not awarness as that boy had!! If only everybody had been like that boy then the world would have been different :)
    Posted 05-09-2015 10:21

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for sharing this mate, The little bits count a lot. =)
    Posted 04-09-2015 12:39

  • says :
    Wow! Hats off to the small biy for saving energy. So glad to know that you shared with him about the solar energy at his curiosity.. Felt sorry that a small child is compelled to work at the hotel but respect his curiosity and learning.
    Thank you for sharing with us dear Sandhya :)
    Posted 04-09-2015 11:26

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