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TRADITION-among the causes of pollution

by | 05-09-2015 10:11 recommendations 0

  Traditions , cultures are those series of events that has been in continuous practice from the pre historic period with different myths..Traditions  differ with places..However, western society  doesn?t involve as many cultures as the eastern society does..those series of practices are the source of poution to some extent..But had ever someone thought about these facts ???? Especially the ones following those practices faithfully?Frankly speaking, I had never thought abou these things earlier..Today is the first time I realized our mistakes or our negative acts in the name of traditions that has been hampering our environment..I would like to thank Tunza Eco Gen as the alertness within me is because of this platform..As a eco-warrior today  I realized the problems we have been creating knowingly or unknowingly from early period..

      I actually didn?t know the name of the culture they were practicing because of the language problem..(I study near the boarder area and the language of the locals here is different from ours).However I tried my best to understand it..According to their tradition,in today?s date,they worship for the prosperous and long live of their child(son).They eat nothing before pooja .They worship the grass ?kush? , knot it and offer Prasad and aggarbattis.. I found The way they put tika on their forehead today incredible (shown in image below)..There is mela in today?s date every year in the temple which lies in my college pheriphery..And lots of people sell chatpats,panipuri  in this day..But I found no one realizing the damage they are attributing to the environment..the plastics where they bring  flowers,tika, they are left as it is in the land..And the rappers of chocklates,papers used for eating pani puri?s , they are also left as it is in the ground..Also the noise intensity is also high in this day then in other day.Similary, tommorrow is also KRISHNA JANMA ASTAMI where people wworship lord krishna with the similar procedures...but what i could do is sadly stare them all and nothing more..But i promise to manage those plastics and wrappers to the extent i can and make arrangement as well as aware those devotees about these hazards by the next culture..

   Traditions and cultures must be practiced and preserved but at the same time people must be aware of the harmful consequences they bring?Traditions must be followed in eco friendly way..Like this there are other more festivals that are straining to the pollution already existed in the environment like diwali, holi etc?Hence,lets make every one alert about these problems..I have planned to place  two dustbins in that temple so that those plastics and wrappers could be managed well?

a girl in tika after pooja left over plastic after pooja wrappers and papers dumped near panipuri stall women is managing materials befor pooja

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  • Prakriti Dhakal says :
    Traditions shouldn't affect the environment .
    yeah sis , in the name of festivals , rituals we are affecting the environment .
    thanks for you article .
    ( where have you been nowadays ?? )
    Posted 13-01-2016 01:15

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