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Eco-school Project [Part 1]

by | 13-09-2015 08:03 recommendations 0

Hai Greeners!

What?s going on our environment today?

IGAF initiated project that we call as Tropical Herbagroculture and Eco-School Project. These projects supported by SEAMEO BIOTROP. These projects execute in Cihideung Ilir, Bogor and divide be 2 subprojects. First is Herbagroculture that focus on local community activity and second is Eco-School that focus on educate children/student. objective of this subproject is to help local community in Cihideung Ilir-Bogor to develop Tropical Herbagroculture enterprise. And the objectives of Eco-School is to get involved children, youths and local communities to tackle environmental problems and to achieve SDGs.

On 7th June 2015, IGAF Standing Boards collaborate with IGAF LC IPB execute the Tropical Herbagroculture and Eco-School Project part 1. In this part, we execute eco-school project and coordinate with Pak Endang and Bu Dida as head of RW 1 to execute Tropical Herbagroculture. We began eco-school in SDN Bojong, Cihideung Ilir Bogor with sport, continued with breakfast, and then IGAF introduction delivered by Claudia Chikita and Mega Fitria. We also teach students about organic and inorganic waste, the dangers of waste, global warming, and climate change delivered by Ummu Ma?rufah.

After educate students, students in 4th grade divided into groups consisting of 3 students on each group. And then the activities continued with draw and write a little campaign to save the environment and not litter. They really in this activities. We also take some picture with their campaign, feel free to look at it. And the next agenda is education delivered by Achmad Solikhin about how to reduce paper and reuse waste paper. Finally the first execution completed and ends with pray.

Thanks to Achmad Solihkin, Mega Fitria, Baskoro Pakusadewo, Ummu Ma?rufah, Orita Mega Delani, Claudia Chikita,Mutiara Niken, Siti Khadijah, and Shofwatul Arumatil for hard working in this project.
Salam Lestari!

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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    good one
    Posted 21-10-2015 01:52

  • says :
    The way of writing and expressing your self is grt and I appreciate by your wonderful thought.
    Posted 18-09-2015 10:41

  • says :
    Wow!!! I am amazed by this. Great initiative, it is always good to educate young ones. Thanks Eco Generation for this opportunity you are giving to young people to connote change in society.
    Posted 18-09-2015 05:42

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Thank you for sharing our former Ambassador Achmad!! :) You're always active in your environmental advocacy campaigns! We're so proud of you!
    Posted 16-09-2015 11:23

  • says :
    the picture explains well about the initative..and good initative indeed...we must inculcate the green ideas in the childrens...good luck !! :)
    Posted 13-09-2015 22:08

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