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Waste Major Problem

by | 25-10-2015 00:31 recommendations 0

Bhutan being developing country, it's very difficult to understand the importance of waste by the village people. Firstly,  people don't know what really the climate change is, secondly they don't know the impacts of climate change and thirdly they don't know the causes of climate change.
So, I took a small survey in my village on waste being produced by each household to create awareness on climate change and causes of climate. The name of my village is Pangthang Daza (meaning small dry land) with 30 households located in eastern part of Bhutan. Every month from each household, they produce about a 5 to 10 kg of wastes. Many of villagers simply burns their wastes and some just throw away in the pets which affect the lands. While some people do know little about the consequences of burning wastes, but they do not have other option as there is no facility like that of town. I simply explain them about the importance of waste and that the possible solution is to decrease our packaging items. I also mention them about taking care of our own waste. 
Talking with some villager My village

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  • says :
    that's a beautiful photo ! great work namgay
    Posted 09-11-2015 21:03

  • says :
    Great job Namgay!!! .It is really a wonderful initiative by you in spreading awareness about the waste problem although Bhutan has a very green and clean countryside.Your village is really beautiful and i think so that each of us in our small ways if we contribute towards the development of our environment then we can make a big difference. You are being a Good Role Model to others Namgay! Keep up the good work.
    Posted 01-11-2015 23:11

  • says :
    Great job Namgay. You did a great job. I feel happy to see the first post from Bhutan. Please keep up the spirit and carry your survey.
    Good photos and I hope to visit the Bhutan soon.
    Posted 31-10-2015 13:21

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Great activity that you developed Namgay!!! I am proud of you. Keep the spirit! =)
    Posted 29-10-2015 13:02

  • says :
    At first I want to say that your village is so beautiful.
    I want to say you that your thought is very much impressive and attractive .
    Your village is so lucky that she had got a person like you.And THANK YOU for your thoughts, I'll also try to do these kinds of activities.

    Posted 28-10-2015 21:32

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Beautiful photo! It's so nice of you conducting survey and spreading awareness on the waste problem even in the clean and beautiful countryside. Great job Namgay. Thanks for sharing and we'll look forward more activities in your region. :)
    Posted 27-10-2015 10:27

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