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Effort to control air pollution

by | 25-10-2015 18:14 recommendations 0

We know that air pollution is increasing day by day.So to control it great steps are also being taken.Here in India,New Delhi government took a step by celebrating `Car Free Day' on 22nd Oct.By now 22nd of every month will be celebrated as Car Free Day in different parts of New Delhi.This is a praising effort that should be taken all over the world.
Car Free Day

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  • says :
    Thanks Bharat...
    Posted 24-01-2016 19:51

  • says :
    Great idea. I think this campaign should be In every country!
    Posted 20-01-2016 20:34

  • says :
    Great idea

    Posted 16-11-2015 21:41

  • says :
    Welcome Rajshree :)
    Posted 11-11-2015 15:11

  • says :
    that great initiative taken by New Delhi thanks for sharing Aditya :)
    Posted 09-11-2015 21:00

  • says :
    Agreed :)
    Posted 03-11-2015 19:18

  • says :
    Air pollution is an issue of great concern worldwide as it occurs within each of our countries, but unquestionably occurs worldwide, is why from our homes we should start to make good practices to reduce carbon footprint and to help reduce the greenhouse effect and the effects of climate change
    Posted 03-11-2015 07:24

  • says :
    Wow! 'Car free day' is a wonderful initiative and is really innovative.Hope this happens in every country and city as it is a very innovative way to reduce air pollution.
    Posted 01-11-2015 23:04

  • says :
    Lets hope for the best to happen for our earth...
    Posted 31-10-2015 18:20

  • says :
    `Car Free Day' great initiative by New Delhi, great work. Hope that every country and city will have that policy.
    Posted 31-10-2015 13:17

  • says :
    i hope that one day it will be celebrated by all the cities on the planet.
    Posted 31-10-2015 00:51

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Great campaign! :) It would be great all of the cities on the planet can celebrate it together on the same day :)
    Posted 30-10-2015 16:26

  • says :
    'Car free day' is great idea.
    Posted 25-10-2015 18:32

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