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Opportunity for Vietnam youth to raise voice on climate change

by | 22-11-2015 17:42 recommendations 0



1.   Ideal candidate description: Any one who knows how to write/ take photo/ make video.

2.   Timeline

The contest will take place in three weeks, form Nov 1st to Nov 22nd, 2015


Starting at 12am of

End at 11.59pm of

Week 1



Week 2



Week 3




3.   Desription


An entry should cover stories reflecting effects of climate change on our lives or a product helping to attract financial aids for people from developing countries including ASEAN nations in a battle against climate change or efforts, initiatives of youngsters to cope with climate change on several fields suchs as clean energy, sustainable agriculture, communication in rasing awareness?


Format of entries

Candidates can choose one or more formats listed below:

-          Format 1: Sending your wishes attchaging with stories relating to the topic, we will transform them to pictures

-          Format 2: Sending your photos attaching with stories relating to the topic. Requirement: Photo formats: .jpeg, .jpg, .png minimum size 3MB.

-          Format 3: Making Vlog to present your points of view about the topic. Requirement:

?span style="font-stretch: normal font-size: 7pt line-height: normal font-family: 'Times New Roman'">         Time: no longer than 3 minuntes

?span style="font-stretch: normal font-size: 7pt line-height: normal font-family: 'Times New Roman'">         Formats: .mp4 or .avi

?span style="font-stretch: normal font-size: 7pt line-height: normal font-family: 'Times New Roman'">         Language: Vietnamese (sound and voice must be clear)

?span style="font-stretch: normal font-size: 7pt line-height: normal font-family: 'Times New Roman'">         An entry must hold a topic and be attached with a content description.

Note: A story (format 1, 2) and a description (format 3) must be no longer than 100 words.

4.   How to appy

All the entries must be sent to: http://bit.ly/1P1HKSl

All the entries will be public on Youtube channel and fanpage I wish

5.   Criteria

*Weekly entries

Entries will be judged by likes and shares on Facebook fanpage I wish and Youtube channel I wish

                               Format 1, 2: Score= likes + shares*2

                               Format 3: Score= views + share*2


*  Finale

The committee will judge all entries by our objective criteria.  

6.   Prize

* Weekly prize

6 prizes per week for the highest voted entries: 500,000 VND/ prize/ week

* Final prize:

?span style="font-stretch: normal font-size: 7pt line-height: normal font-family: 'Times New Roman'">       1 Wish prize             : 1,500,000 VNĐ/prize+ gift

?span style="font-stretch: normal font-size: 7pt line-height: normal font-family: 'Times New Roman'">       1 Photo prize           : 2,500,000 VNĐ/prize + gift

?span style="font-stretch: normal font-size: 7pt line-height: normal font-family: 'Times New Roman'">       1 Vlog prize             : 3,500,000 VNĐ/prize + gift

  1. Annoucement and awarding


-          Weekly and final prizes will be publiced on Facebook fanpage I wish 3 days after the end of the week.

-          All winners will be contacted via registered mobile phone numbers and emails. In case the committee cannot contact winner(s) via mobile phone or email 24 hours after announcement, we may choose other winner(s).


-          Weekly and final prizes will be awarded at Live&Learn Center for Education and Community, No. 24, Phong Canh Architecture Village- Vong Thi, Alley 45A Vong Thi, Tay Ho District, Hanoi in 7 days after announcement.

-          In case winner(s) cannot come receiving prize(s) at the center, prize(s) will be sent via mail in 15 days after announcement.

-          The organizing committee will not bear any responsibility if winner(s) can not receive prize(s) due to wrong address or home- changing without any notification for the committee.

8.   Rules

-          No limit for any entry under any format.

-          The content of entry must not violate the law of Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

-          Plagiarism is prohibited (the committee will withdraw prize if detecting any sign of plagiarism)

-          The entry must not published on any medium or event before.

-          The committee will have rights to use images, content of entries on media.

-          If there is unnormal rise of likes and shares of any entry, the committee may have rights to eliminate it.

-          Contestants can share links of photos of ?Wishes?, Vlogs onto other social networks to call for voting after that the committee censor and public them on our official fanpage and channel.

-          The organizing committee will bear no responsibility if winners do not receive their prizes due to wrong registered information.

-          The organizing committee bears no responsibility for problems caused by technical errors, server or internet.  


As active Vietnamese citizens, we do not need to fly to France but still can contribute by our voices and actions.

Let?s go to Paris!


The competition is a part of Tuk tuk to Paris campaign conducted by ?I wish? group with the cooperation and support from Live&Learn Center for Environment and Community and GROW campaign by Oxfam.

More information:

Ms. Thu Trang – 098 236 1994







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