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E3 - Environment, Education, Empowerment

by | 23-11-2015 03:51 recommendations 0

What is Sustainable Development? According to the Brundtland Commission, it means development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising those of the future generations.

Now say that to a seventeen year old who hardly has access to clean water and food, let alone education. That is the breath of E3. 

E3 was born when we found ourselves asking - How can we make environmental issues relevant to these young minds?

E3 stands for the 3 pillars of change as we see it - Environment, Education, Empowerment. It is a project under the aegis of the LEADearth Fellowship organized by TERI-TETRA PAK and it aims to educate young people (in rural/semi-urban schools) about sustainability and key environmental issues that they encounter in everyday life.We use pedagogical tools like games, guest lectures, field trips and documentary screenings to form the curriculum of a certified course for the module. 

We see it as much a journey for ourselves as for the young change-makers we want to motivate. So if you want to be a part of this change, do drop in a mail at E3.leadearthship@gmail.com. 

We look forward to your support!

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  • says :
    Which company do you work for?
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:25

  • says :
    Not too much. I just a techie in the social sector
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:24

  • says :
    yes non for profit are acceptable.
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:23

  • says :
    Do you have prior experience in this field as well?
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:23

  • says :
    For example if I tech a student and then he becomes self sustainable it is a huge impact on on person. Impact is variable and depends on project to project.
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:22

  • says :
    But our venture is completely not for profit with no source of revenue, will it qualify for the impact funding you propose?
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:22

  • says :
    quality aspect depends on how you are touching lives and how it changes them.
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:21

  • says :
    I shall most definitely leverage them, they seem like good portals to help scale our venture
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:21

  • says :
    Nothing much is required. just provide basic information about yourself and projects to get started. They have entire manuals for this.
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:20

  • says :
    But isnt impact subjective, in your experience how has impact of green educational organizations like mine been measured?
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:20

  • says :
    Interesting, what is quality aspect of lives, it seems like a specific term
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:19

  • says :
    In your case it will be number of lives changed and how it impact their lives
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:19

  • says :
    Could you please also provide me with a brief on how to register on these websites and what all shall be required
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:19

  • says :
    Impact = Quantity of lives affected x Quality aspect of lives changed
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:19

  • says :
    Thanks for the links,
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:18

  • says :
    http://www.kiva.org/ provides short loans internationally for impact purposed.
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:18

  • says :
    https://www.bitgiving.com/ and https://www.ketto.org/ are based in India giving crowdfunds.
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:17

  • says :
    past experience with similar things prove that you are committed to the venture and that helps very much. Education is subjective.
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:16

  • says :
    and since we hold short term education programs and not projects like rural electrification, how shall lives affected be calculated?
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:15

  • says :
    Which institutes do you refer to Sir?
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:15

  • says :
    Institutes on the other hand would evaluate you on the return on the money they deployed over 3-5 years period. The return will be based on the impact you generate and lives effected.
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:14

  • says :
    Is there anything specific they look for in terms of education, experience or anything else?
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:14

  • says :
    We definitely fit the bill :)
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:14

  • says :
    They are interested to invest their money onto something that actually helps the society with someone who is committed on to doing it.
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:13

  • says :
    Could you please provide the links for these websites, the ones you mentioned
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:13

  • says :
    Thank you for offering. You are very kind. Could you please tell me what these individuals would be interested in and looking for
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:12

  • says :
    also if you are interested in more institutions then bitgiving, ketto and kiva provides initial level funds.
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:12

  • says :
    I know individuals who are investing on personal level
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:11

  • says :
    That would be really great, impact funding could definitely help us scale exponentially. Which organizations do you have in mind.
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:09

  • says :
    To answer your first question, LEADearthSHIP is a youth fellowship program which selects top 25 people from India and trains them to become environmental leaders. more information about them can be found here:

    Posted 23-11-2015 04:08

  • says :
    let me know if you need to raise funds. I would have a few people who are doing impact based funding now.
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:07

  • says :
    what is leadearthship?
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:07

  • says :
    And we continually bootstrapped and worked on a 6 sigma model to ensure that minimal monetary intervention was required.
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:06

  • says :
    We received a grant funding from LEADearthSHIP of INR 10,000 as the initial funding.
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:05

  • says :
    have you commited or raised any funds for this yet.

    Posted 23-11-2015 04:04

  • says :
    I was a part of the LEADearthSHIP, an environmental fellowship hosted by TERI and Tetra Pak. Through their training, I was able to generate this idea with my team.
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:01

  • says :
    25 schools in how much time?
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:01

  • says :
    Interesting, how did you come up with this idea?
    Posted 23-11-2015 04:00

  • says :
    we have developed a model that can be scaled and through this model we have reached out to more than 25 schools so far. I hope to use this platform to spread the message.
    Posted 23-11-2015 03:59

  • says :
    Hey Piyush, Thanks for your comment. It is indeed a great question.
    Posted 23-11-2015 03:58

  • says :
    this seems like a great initiative. Since I myself have been wondering for quite sometime now that under MDG goals how do we educate more and more youth to take up sustainable development. If this model can be scaled and reached out to even hundred thousand people this would create huge impact on the society.
    Posted 23-11-2015 03:57

  • says :
    Hey Guys, Please let me know your thoughts on my project. Any and all views would be highly appreciated :)
    Posted 23-11-2015 03:53

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