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Swachh Dunia- Clean Earth Mahatma Gandhi's DREAM!

by | 23-11-2015 22:50 recommendations 0

Our mother earth is already loaded with the pressure of supporting the gigantic population of more than 1.25 billion people. With the ever increasing population, the carrying capacity of land is fast approaching the thresh hold limit. The result is quite conspicuous by way of polluted air, impure water and unhealthy soil and a degrading environment. High incidence of poverty, large scale unemployment, over exploitation of natural resources etc have added to the degradation of environment and affected quality of life. It is a herculean task for the people and the government to maintain the optimum standard of living by way of preservation of environment. It is high time for all the Earthians to shoulder the responsibility of maintaining the quality of life by keeping the surrounding clean and pollution free.

As we know, cleanliness is one of the most important factors of our life. It is essential to maintain cleanliness and tidiness in our lives. Being social animals, we need to keep our surroundings clean. We should learn to be hygienic to lead a healthy life. It has often been observed that polluted water bodies with poor sanitation results in breeding grounds for pests and mosquitoes. A clean environment makes remarkable difference between life and death. To stay healthy, we need to maintain our surroundings clean. 

There is a common proverb which says "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." It signifies the importance of cleanliness which means the habit of keeping oneself physically and mentally clean. Cleanliness is very important for maintaining a good, healthy and moral life. Cleanliness of body is necessary for self-respect. But even more important than cleanliness of body, is cleanliness of mind.

Cleanliness gives us mental peace and happiness. Cleanliness of heart refers to beginning of godliness. God is considered to be the most sacred and the purest being. A person who is pure and clean in body and mind is considered to be next to God. The character of a person is reflected through his external appearance, purity of thought, word and action. The proverb teaches us that cleanliness of body and mind is the way to reach god. If we are clean in mind and body, we are next to God.

Therefore, it is the fundamental responsibility of all Earthians to maintain cleanliness of their surroundings as it not only helps in preventing various types of diseases but also increases the aesthetic beauty of the areas. Though, we all know the importance of cleanliness, but many of us forget to follow the steps to keep our surroundings clean. We should condemn the people who willfully perform negligent acts to spoil the surroundings.

While emphasizing  the importance of cleanliness, Gandhiji, about one century back had highlighted the relationship between good health and clean habits. Some of his views on maintaining a better environment are:  

No one should spit or clean his nose on the streets. In some cases, the sputum is so harmful that the germs are carried from it and infect others with tuberculosis. In some cases, spitting on the road is a criminal offence. Those who spit after chewing betel leaves and tobacco have no consideration for the feeling of others.?  His views hold significant relevance even today.

We can keep our surroundings clean, only if, the people of our city think like us. We cannot achieve anything without public cooperation. So there should be a huge awareness to the public via various mass media and newspapers. The government should take major role in undertaking awareness programs for public and also introduce new rules, if necessary.

Thus, it is not a responsibility of any particular individual or only government to keep the cities and towns clean. It is a common and collective responsibility of all citizens to ensure sustainable management of surroundings to ensure better living conditions for our future generation. When we raise so much of voice and fight so much for our rights, why can't we come together and fulfill our duties for our own well being?

Mahatma Gandhi had rightly said...  I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet...Come..Let us join our hands together!! to fulfill his dream of a Swachh Duniya.

Future Generation

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    Posted 23-11-2015 23:33

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