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World Report View


by | 23-11-2015 23:46 recommendations 0


      "Future" the word with which everbody relates their aspirations and desires of accomplishing what they haven't or couldn't,  expect and prospect something better than present and far from past. The ultimate ambition is prosperity, development and loads of happiness.

However, the stepping stone or gateway for wonderful future is a perfect premeditated present. We need to ponder over our present and determine our future.Today's Present will be the foundation for our tommorow's future. The preeminent time to work for it is Now or Never.

The predicament and setbacks may be different in developing and developed countries in magnitude but somewhere or the other they come across as obstructions in the path of growth.

Some global problems that has always stood infront of us and more in developing countries are-

    Poverty: A situation in which people struggle to live a life barely with any pleasure and even lacking basic amenities and services. The World Bank has defined extreme poverty as those living under $1.25 or less per day. There are 1.4 billion or 21% of popullation in the world which lives below this or at this level.According to that my country  India has more worse situation with 41.6% of the whole population living under poverty line.

My AIM for the FUTURE:- Transforming their subsistence level of living into reasonable level. They may be living in 'extreme' or "moderate poverty" but the ultimate goal is "No POVERTY".

Unemployment:- This is a crisis where incept laborers and even competent professionals and are without jobs. This situation arises when there is abundance of labor and scarcity of required jobs. This also happens at the time of recession.

ü  My AIM for the FUTURE:- Provide the Right Job to the Right People at all times.

Inequity in POWER :- This type of condition puts the poor, vulnerable to all types of risks. This makes some people rich of the richest and some poor of the poorest. The is not much distinct in the international bodies like U.N. where some countries have more influence than others in the form of Veto power while taking crucial decisions affecting all.

ü  My AIM for the FUTURE:- "EQUALITY in DIVERSITY". All will be one and only one.

Apart from these primary issues furthermore there is a major crisis which is an apprehension for all irrespective of being a Developed or Developing nation.This challenging situation has posed a whopping mark over our future and that enormous destructive devil is non-other than "ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION".

This has been caused only and only due to man and his greeds since time immemorial. Gandhiji has rightly said, Nature has enough to satisfy man's NEEDS but very less for his GREEDS! In this era of modern techonology we might have created a whole lot of new and advanced artificial machines but in the course of development we have rapidly and immensely trampled our precious natural environment.

As Newton's universal law says, Every action has equal and opposite reaction. The way we have over exploited the environment, the same way Nature has retaliated us with devastating consequences like "GLOBAL WARMING" and "CLIMATE CHANGE". We talk about the DOOM's Day and make a fuss of it but we are so foolish not to ask WHY ? . The simplest and accurate answers and reasons for such a day are-


GLOBAL WARMING refers to average increase in earth's temperature over a period of time. Till now there is 0.80 C increase in the earth's temperarure and IPCC has indicated that during 21st Century the global temperature might increase by 1.1OC TO 2.9OC. This is because of Green House Effect that is upshot due to upsurge of hazardous Greenhouse Gases like CO2, Methane, CFC's etc. This has also contributed in melting of glaciers in Polar region which is a massive threat for islands like Japan,S.KOREA and cities like Mumbai and New York ,which may submerge in the sea due to increase in sea water level.This has also led to a phenomenon called?..

*      Climate Change is significant and permanent change in the weather patterns of a place ranging from decades to millions of Years. This change brings havoc in the lives of people as it changes them from head to toe.  Its effect is like a cold desert transforming into a hot desert.

*      Ecological Disturbance this is generally caused due to poaching of animals and deforestation for satisfying the greeds of human.These activities lead to annihilation of Biodiversity,imbalance of ecosystem and will make hundreds of animals endangered and eventally extinct.

*      SOLUTION:- There have been many solutions but none of them were successful enough  to change the scenario. In this search many agreements have gone for no agreement. Since, after Kyoto Protocol there is no prolific accord been signed.The main reason is the fact that every nation wants to develop irrespective of its socio-economic status and they find these accords as stumbling blocks. However, there is a way out with me i.e. new but very effective which is GREEN ECONOMY creating GREEN DEVELOPMENT and a GREEN EARTH.   

ü  GREEN ECONOMY means  green business that will lead us to develoment in a ecofriendly manner with improved human life and social equity.It is rightly said a business that makes only profit is a poor business. We can't waste our planet as if another exists in spare. There are many spheres where green business can work out to be the best alternative like:-

Renewable Energy- Since there is surplus demand for electricity and scarce supply in some countries like India. The alternate can be wind mills, solar energy and biomass to obtain electricity that is a boon even in rural areas. This business can be taken to lessen the dependence on fossil fuel and will also contribute to Green Economy. 

Bio-Diesel – Is a diesel that is obtained from the NATURE and is less polluting than the fossil fuels.Example is JATROPHA plant from which bio-diesel is obtained. This plantation can also be used to gain carbon credit or Green credit which is very profitable for the people, country and will also save our PLANET.

Organic Agriculture- In this type of Agriculture usage of Fertlisers and chemicals are eliminated and instead compost and organic manure is used. This helps in regulating Land degradation and water pollution. This will confer men and earth with improved health.

Eco-Tourism- is the tourism in which the earth is not  littered rather earth's splendor is admired and experienced by tourists. This is a good business to earn green money.

3RS – This business consists of the 3 fundamental principles that are- Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse. This may not be started as a new business but can be incorporated with others .This is profitable for all.


J Reduce poverty

J Improved human well being

J Development without any trouble

J Social equity

J Environmental Upgradation

J Help and Help HUMANS and the EARTH to Survive in conditions like Heaven

At last, I hope my dream future that I aspire in my eyes will come true one day and I would be able to see that. We need to remember "Development is MUST but ENVIRONMENT is FIRST" Therefore, come up, step up to save energy,save environment for a greener, cleaner and better FUTURE.

Nature's Beauty

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