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International Days

by Aaditya Singh | 22-05-2013 12:05 recommendations 0

Hi friends,

Today is the International Day for Biodiversity. So let me wish all of you an educative and meaningful day.

I want to write something that I have been thinking for a long time about International Days. Every month we have days marked for raising awareness about something or the other. Water day, Earth Day, Migratory Birds Day, Biodiversity Day and so on. But most people wish each other, finish their activities and move on without carrying the message or the awareness forward with them. I attended a walkathon on Earth Day. I was deeply disturbed by something that I noticed there. The organisers were distributing free bottled water. Before the Walkathon started, I saw that many participants were drinking little water and throwing the left over water with the bottle. Not only were they wasting water, one of our most important resources, but they were also littering the place with half filled bottles without disposing them in marked bins. All this was very inappropriate, that too being done at an event to spread awareness about environment protection and sustainability. I did remind those around me about the purpose of our event and some understood what I was trying to convey, but many did not bother. It is important that we reach members of the community around us and explain the need to preserve our resources and minimise wastage, the whole year round. Otherwise we will lose any advantage that we gain out of observing our International days.

Aaditya Singh


  • Austria Youth Aaditya Singh
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Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thank you friends for reading and appreciating.
    Posted 13-06-2013 05:17

  • says :
    Nice essay
    Posted 06-06-2013 20:47

  • says :
    Very true.
    Posted 29-05-2013 03:53

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thank you Eco Generation.
    Posted 23-05-2013 11:41

Eco Generation

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