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Clean Up Drive and tree planting

by Aaditya Singh | 11-12-2013 23:55 recommendations 0

Today I attended a Beach Clean Up Drive and Tree Planting organised by the Emirates Environment Group (EEG) of which I am a Student Member. EEG regularly organises such initiatives for environmental conservation and to raise awareness in the community. One such initiative was the Neighborhood Recycling Project in which I had participated during the summer vacation. It involved collection of recyclable material from my neighborhood and depositing it for recycling. I was able to collect a considerable amount and as a reward for my efforts EEG qualified me to plant 7 trees under my name. The tree planting event was clubbed with a Beach Clean Up today at the City of Ras Al Khaimah in UAE about 2 hours drive from Dubai where I live. But I am not writing this report to talk about my work.

While I was happy to be a part of this event and felt content at having done my share of work for the environment, it also made me feel a bit upset. Why do we need Clean Up Drives- Can we not keep our surroundings clean as a habit? Why do we not ensure that our waste is disposed properly so that it does not cause litter in public places? These were some of the questions that I asked myself. Are we really that stupid that first we spend time in creating a problem and then we spend some more time in solving it! Just imagine if each one of us acted responsibly, there would be no clean up required. The time spent by so many people on a Clean Up Drive can be spent other causes. From my side I am going to try and convince as many people as I can, to change their way of thinking and I look forward to joining more Beautification Drives rather that Clean Up Drives in the times to come.
Clean Up Tree Planting


  • Austria Youth Aaditya Singh
  • recommend


  • Arushi Madan says :
    Great report Aditya.
    Posted 11-01-2014 01:55

  • says :
    good job .
    Posted 31-12-2013 15:39

  • says :
    thanks for the info
    Posted 31-12-2013 00:27

  • says :
    good report
    Posted 30-12-2013 18:22

  • says :
    nice report
    Posted 30-12-2013 14:03

  • says :
    thanks for sharing
    Posted 30-12-2013 03:57

  • says :
    thanks for the share
    Posted 30-12-2013 02:32

  • says :
    good work
    Posted 29-12-2013 22:50

  • says :
    Great effort.
    Posted 27-12-2013 22:56

  • says :
    Thanks for the report.
    Posted 27-12-2013 19:22

  • says :
    Thanks for the report.
    Posted 27-12-2013 19:22

  • says :
    Thanks for the report.
    Posted 27-12-2013 19:22

  • says :
    thanks for sharing
    Posted 27-12-2013 00:02

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 24-12-2013 17:35

  • says :
    Thanks for the report.
    Posted 24-12-2013 16:42

  • says :
    Great report.
    Posted 23-12-2013 21:22

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing.
    Posted 23-12-2013 16:44

  • says :
    Great work.
    Posted 22-12-2013 22:41

  • says :
    good sanitation program launched
    Posted 22-12-2013 19:01

  • says :
    Good Job.
    Posted 22-12-2013 17:57

  • says :
    great job Aaditya
    Posted 22-12-2013 14:43

  • says :
    thanks for the report Aaditya
    Posted 22-12-2013 12:15

  • says :
    good job
    Posted 22-12-2013 02:19

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing.
    Posted 21-12-2013 23:22

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing.
    Posted 21-12-2013 23:22

  • says :
    Nice work.
    Posted 20-12-2013 17:28

  • says :
    nice work done
    Posted 20-12-2013 02:56

  • says :
    great job.
    Posted 19-12-2013 17:51

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 19-12-2013 15:12

  • says :
    good job.
    Posted 19-12-2013 15:12

Eco Generation

  • says :
    nice job
    Posted 19-12-2013 11:40

  • says :
    Thanks for the report.
    Posted 17-12-2013 17:22

  • says :
    Nice work.
    Posted 17-12-2013 17:20

  • says :
    great work
    Posted 17-12-2013 13:55

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing this.
    Posted 16-12-2013 14:58

  • says :
    did well!
    Posted 15-12-2013 17:02

  • says :
    Great job.
    Posted 14-12-2013 23:04

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thanks friends for acknowledging. Thanks Christy for your words. Yes indeed we need to work hard to change our own habits and also to change the mindset of those around us.
    Posted 14-12-2013 02:31

  • says :
    Thanks for the sharing this.
    Posted 14-12-2013 01:30

  • says :
    Great job!

    Posted 13-12-2013 15:56

  • says :
    Wow! Those are a lot of trees
    Posted 13-12-2013 15:55

  • says :
    Good job.
    Posted 13-12-2013 14:36

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 13-12-2013 13:43

  • says :
    You are absolutely right, Aaditya. We have to make 3R activity as our habit, daily routine.
    Till then, we need eco-leaders like you to protect the environment until people's behavior gets changed eco-friendly :)
    Posted 13-12-2013 11:11

  • says :
    Nice Work
    Posted 12-12-2013 21:53

  • says :
    Thanks for the report.
    Posted 12-12-2013 00:00

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