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YOU are responsible for the extinction of hundreds of livestock species

by | 26-01-2014 19:14 recommendations 0

Our planet is facing challanges.

Carbon emissions causing air pollution...

Cutting down trees destroying forests...

and thousands of wild species being endangered and extinct.

but today, I would like to talk about another major problem being caused by humans: livestock

Now, more and more people are turning into vegetarians, vegans, and so on..but still most of the population around the world are consuming meat. Due to this, livestock, or domestic animals play a fundamental role within our society. We take eggs and meat from chickens. From goats, we take their milk and meat. Sheep provide us with their wool and meat. Pigs are popular for their meat. We take meat and milk from cows, and make cheese, butter, etc. All things considered, we depend on domestic animals every second of every day.

However, this has led to a major problem. Since the demand for meat of higher quality and quantity is risng, the improvement of breeds is becoming essential. As the breeds are being improved, the diversity of the breeds has been dropping drastically. According to research, there are over 7000 types of livestock breeds around the world. Of these breeds, 21% is endangered.

Things have become worse in the 21st century. About 60 breeds are almost extinct. Pigs have the highest extinction rate, followed by cows and sheep. On top of that, chicken breeds are the most endangered. Experts are pointing out the irony that, because people are tying to create better breeds, a lot of breeds that are possessing good DNAs are dying off.

Earth is an ecosystem in which organisms interact. If only a few species disappear from our planet, others will also suffer because we are interconnected through the food chain. Of course, the human race is not an exception.

picture of goat

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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    Mankind is making its own existence difficult by this behavior.
    Posted 02-02-2014 21:35

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    You raised a valid point of interconnection of species. We must respect the eco-system & try not to disturb it.
    Posted 30-01-2014 19:57

  • says :
    We should think seriously of our ecosystem.Good point raised.well done.
    Posted 30-01-2014 15:14

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing!! It plays a vital role in continuing the process of ecosystem.
    Posted 28-01-2014 18:17

  • says :
    Genetic diversity is what plays one of the most important role in the ecosystem. It should be preserved not haphazardly exploited.
    Posted 28-01-2014 08:40

  • says :
    The concern is very genuine, yes the genetic diversity shouldn't be let to extinct.
    Posted 27-01-2014 22:28

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Again we see man and his greed being the root cause of the problem...
    Posted 27-01-2014 19:29

  • says :
    Extinction is one of the greatest problems our planet is facing today. The root problem for all these is the greed of humans.
    Thanks for sharing with us!
    Posted 27-01-2014 19:02

  • says :
    If we destroy the DNA diversity in this way, we may be faced with the extinction of the livestock. If there are a few breeds, just one mutant virus kill all of them because there will be no breed which has resistant DNA to the virus.
    Posted 27-01-2014 11:06

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