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World Environment Day Activity

by | 18-06-2014 15:24 recommendations 0

On 5/6/2014, for WED I and my grandfather had environmental activity at Sirkali bypass road.  On the both sides if the roads there were no trees at present.  So we have decided to plant some saplings and took this project as one year project.  We will have to plant maximum number of plants within 5/6/2015.  Initially we have selected bypass road near Sirkali, and we issued pamphlets about the program.  Then on June 5th we sow tamarind saplings on the both side of the road (it covers 16kms up and down both sides).

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Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Thanks for sharing, Guru!
    Posted 24-06-2014 11:22

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Good job , Guru. This is the true spirit of Environment Day.
    Posted 21-06-2014 03:32

  • says :
    Thank you for your comments. Yes I will do translation

    Posted 19-06-2014 18:55

  • says :
    Well done Guru for the great initiative.Hope to see more from you. All the best for your great work. Keep on sharing.
    Posted 19-06-2014 15:57

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Good Start Guru. At the end of the year 16 KMs of road will have budding trees.
    congrats on an excellent initiative.
    If possible pls share with us the translation on the poster shown.
    Posted 19-06-2014 15:21

  • says :
    Well done Guru. What a noble way to celebrate World Environment Day.
    Posted 19-06-2014 13:12

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