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Go Organic-Deserts with fruits and Vegetables

by | 04-07-2014 02:05 recommendations 0

On the 3rd of July, I had visited the LFIGP?s Agriculture Box in Sharjah, UAE, which is an Agro Gardening Autonomous System. From growing nothing but dates, cactuses and shrubs, Dubai now has 62 varieties of organic crops which include tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers and legumes. It is unimaginable as to how these fruits and vegetables can grow in Dubai?s harsh weather conditions. But impossible is just another word, all thanks to this 45 centimeters high and 4 centimeters thick agriculture box it is now possible to grow the best organic food on our own!!!

Mr. Arnaud Fabre, the guide for the trip, explained me everything I needed to know about this agriculture box. First he showed me the irrigation system that is present in the box. The water is provided from a porous pipe structure present beneath the soil, directly to the roots of the plants. This method is much more efficient than the drip irrigation method and conserves a lot of water. He also explained to me that the box is highly durable and has longevity which can last for more than 15-20 years. It is made out of European kiln dried white wood and each box costs around 4500 AED. It is worth investing because the outcomes obtained are amazing and profitable. I also got to know that organic food is the most powerful anti-cancerous substance known to man. Some of the plants which were growing in this weather condition were lemon basil, parsley, chilly and coriander. Next he showed how the soil is prepared. The basic element required for the soil is compost. He showed me the Bokashi Japanese system which turns kitchen waste into compost using microorganisms like Lactobacillus Acidophilus. This compost along with soil is selected for the UAE?s arid climate which results in a really high quality yield. No such pesticides are used in this farming technique which produces vegetables of superior flavor and good for health.

Next I got to know a lot of information about the life sustaining material, soil. One cup of soil contains 7 billion microorganisms. Mr. Fabre explained about the Clay-Humus Complex present in the soil. Fertilizers such as NPK(Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium) cause an imbalance in the ecosystem and mother nature. The earthworms which play a vital role in the formation of soil die because of such fertilizers also destroying the microorganisms in the soil and causing the three- way death of the soil, i.e., physically, chemically and biologically. This makes the soil dependent on NPK causing it to become red.

This agriculture box is an amazing tool for children to study on various subjects like Biology, Microbiology, Botany and Environmental Studies. This trip is also an encouragement for the young minds to choose career choices like Agriculture Engineering and Entrepreneurship.

The Bokashi Japanese Bin Explanation about the ecosystem Agriculture boxes being explained

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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    @Mohit, awesome! Thank you for additional info :)
    Posted 14-07-2014 10:47

  • says :
    Thanks Arushi, Smriti, Christy and Hyong......
    Indeed this practice is great for countries which want to grow non-native fruits and vegetables, also saving the transportation costs and the environment. All this wouldn't be possible without the help of agriculture boxes.
    Posted 09-07-2014 17:16

  • says :
    In a hot and arid country such as UAE, where state-run agriculture requires serious investments, individual citizens might as well as keep a back garden on their balconies to contribute a little.
    Posted 09-07-2014 08:08

  • says :
    Agriculture box is a brilliant idea! i would love to try it also.
    Thank you for sharing, Mohit :) It's so informative.
    Posted 08-07-2014 13:22

  • says :
    thanks for sharing. It must be fruitful.
    Posted 07-07-2014 23:43

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Mohit-Thanks for joining us in this educational tour. Good report.
    Posted 05-07-2014 01:11

  • says :
    Thankyou Eco Generation and Ratheesh
    Posted 04-07-2014 16:35

  • says :
    It's very nice and knowledgable report.
    Posted 04-07-2014 16:15

Eco Generation

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