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Hyong Kim's Erratic Energy Debate - Prelude

by | 08-07-2014 21:12 recommendations 0

Greetings, fellow Tunza Ecogenerations Members.
My name is Hyong Min Kim (usually called Hyong), a proud member of Tunza Ecogenerations. I am a 14 year-old Grade 8 student (and will be a Grade 9 in September) attending Seoul Foreign School, an international school situated in Seoul, South Korea.

Environment – and all the branching issues – has always interested me deeply. Science being one of my favourite subjects, I often like to look deeply into the scientific explanations behind environmental issues, and how scientific means can assist in mitigating such issues (for are not all the realms of universe governed by the resolute laws of science and nature?). In particular energy has been my primary subject of interest lately, and I have made considerably studies upon them. Only recently have I found out that energy is one of the primary environmental issues of the modern world, and that our method of energy production and consumption often brings about catastrophic results upon our planet. Therefore, I wish to share my research and studies upon energy (the environmentally relevant facts, anyway) with the Tunza Ecogenerations Community.

For the next three months, under the title "Hyong Kim's Erratic Energy Debate," I will post fact-file reports every week (so twelve in total) on various aspects of energy in our world that is relevant to environmental issues. They will mainly discuss various means of production of energy, how we consume energy in our daily lives (and how they respectively harm or conserve the environment), and perhaps some alternative solutions in both cases that may help conserve the environment. My intention is that my weekly reports be assistance to the readers in any way they wish. If my reports give inspiration to those wishing to make a difference, knowledge to those eager to know more about energy and environment, and fun to those who are looking for a good read and brain-food, I could not possibly ask for more.
Feel free to comment on this announcement and the coming reports. You can contact me at hyongmkim1999@gmail.com.

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Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Thanks for sharing, Hyong! We'll look forward to your next posts!
    Posted 09-07-2014 17:31

  • says :
    Hyong Kim's Erratic Energy Debate! What a fun and sweet name :D
    I do look forward your 'Erratic' energy debate~!
    Posted 09-07-2014 14:29

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