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Appreciation for Rangers

by | 04-06-2015 01:54 recommendations 0

The 29th of May was the day when the world celebrated all the Peacekeepers of the world.  It was World Peacekeepers? day and it was celebrated all over the world. In Kenya it was celebrated at the United Nations Offices in Nairobi with members of the UN peacekeeping forces, Police, Military and Prisons department present. 


A few days before that, I had the honor of attending the Model United Nations discussion on the role of youth in peacekeeping at the UN offices. It was a wonderful event where we got to learn and get insight on the normal UN proceedings and got to listen to the Kenyan UN Ambassador among various other delegates.  It was a great opportunity to learn and I encourage all of you who are yet to join Model United Nations (M.U.N) clubs to do so. In case it?s not in your institution yet, take a step and introduce it. It?s a great platform to air opinions and discuss to find solutions to global issues, environmental and otherwise.

Model United Nations

An organization called ?Walk with Rangers? also took the weekend to celebrate another group of peacekeepers. Rangers.  This group of peacekeepers often goes unrecognized and under appreciated. They protect our wildlife, our ecosystems and mediate the various human-wildlife conflicts that come up. Without the rangers our wildlife could very easily be poached to extinction. The organization therefore works to appreciate the Rangers. They recently put up a walk that raised money to purchase kits and amenities for them as they stay out in the wild. Another walk will soon be undertaken.


From the 30th of May to the 1st of June, they created the general set up of the camps Rangers live in while they patrol and take care of our wildlife in one of the malls in my country, Yaya centre. A few Rangers were present as well. They had seats where people could sit and have a one on one discussion with the rangers about their experiences. This created awareness of the challenges they face such as extreme weather conditions, possible attacks from the animals and encounters with poachers who are ruthless and do not hesitate to shoot at them. This leads to a greater appreciation of the great service they provide for my country.


While doing last month?s biodiversity event, I was saddened by the high number of endangered species I found. What?s even sadder is that Rangers do so much, endure so much and risk their lives as well to protect our biodiversity and yet more and more wildlife are lost. This should be more motivation for us to find ways to make sure the rate of biodiversity loss is reduced to a minimum. I?d also like to challenge you to find a way to appreciate the rangers in your countries and regions because they are the real MVPs.


Walk with Rangers

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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    It is so nice on seeing military working out for peace and so being in action to promote it. =) Thanks for the report Aness!!
    Posted 09-06-2015 05:36

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing the report so vividly. It seems that I was also there watching the celebration :) Many times, the most important people are left behind without proper respect for their valuable work. You did a real good job spotlighting the rangers. Please convey my sincere respect for their work to them.
    Posted 08-06-2015 17:01

  • says :
    Keep up the good work
    ANd pleased to know about 'Walk with Ranger' honoring rangers
    Would love to join and consduct MUN. Jopefuly very soon :D

    Posted 07-06-2015 17:50

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    The conservation of wildlife is in the safe hands of Rangers. It is excellent idea to support & encourage them through such great events.
    Thanks for a detailed report, Aness.
    Posted 06-06-2015 14:59

  • says :
    Dear Aness, I am so happy that you got chance to participate in MUN which is really an effective brainstorming platform where we keep ourselves in the seats of policymakers and involve ourselves in negotiations.
    Also, my due respect to Rangers who value wildlife more than their lives.
    Thank you for sharing this vivid report with photos dear :)
    Posted 05-06-2015 12:28

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing such a vivid report, Aness.
    Rangers, the peacekeepers are an integral part of wildlife. This was a nice programme to recognize &a appreciate their efforts.
    Posted 04-06-2015 12:52

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for writing a report on very unique topic-peacekeepers. It is true that their efforts , sincerity , high level of professionalism, dedication, courage & contribution in protecting ecosystem, trying to keep peace , all do not get so much noticed or acknowledged. It is evident from the fact that hardly anyone knows about or talks about International day of UN Peacekeepers (29th May). Glad to know about "Walk with Rangers" initiatives to celebrate/honor the rangers.
    Regarding MUN :I got opportunity to attend 4 MUNs so far at different places/countries representing different countries and different committee. It's so much fun and you get to learn a lot , experience the working of UN, get to network with many other delegates , get to discuss on global issues and learn to draft resolutions and so much more. I agree with you that youngsters must try attending MUN .
    Posted 04-06-2015 03:59

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