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Developing LPG and CNG as alternative fuels to traditional fuels

by | 04-06-2015 03:20 recommendations 0

Developing LPG and CNG as alternative fuels to traditional fuels is the best tool to improve energy efficiency in transport and reduce pollution, according to participants in a seminar on the promotion of clean fuels, held on Wednesday in Algiers.

The transport sector, which alone represents approximately 41% of the total consumption of the country, is considered one of the largest sources of pollution in Algeria in the emissions of 14 million tonnes CO2 equivalent, or a rate of 46% of emissions of greenhouse gases, according to figures presented at the meeting organized by the National Agency for the promotion and rational use of energy (APRUE).

Most of the energy consumed in this sector comes from petroleum, 65% diesel and 26% petrol, while the GPL, which is a clean fuel, represents only 3%.

This state of affairs led the participants in the seminar, organized in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), to recommend to focus more on the use of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and Compressed natural gas (CNG) as a substitute for diesel and gasoline, the main sources of pollution and not energy efficient plan.

In this context, the Director General of APRUE Mohamed Salah Bouzeriba, highlighted the new national program for the development of energy efficiency (2016-2030), recently presented to the Council of Ministers, and which aims to reduce 9% of the energy consumption and realize a financial gain of $ 42 billion in 2030.

This program provides, inter alia, to convert 1.3 million vehicles to LPG and 11,000 CNG buses in 2030.

In detail, it is planned to convert 50,000 passenger cars to LPG fuel between 2016 and 2020 and 70,000 vehicles in the period from 2021 to 2025 and from 2026 to 2030 to 100,000 vehicles.

"These two fuels widely available in Algeria, are environmentally hence the need to develop to reduce the gas oil import bill," said Mr. Bouzeriba.

To develop this sector, the National Transport Corporation and marketing of petroleum products (NAFTAL) has implemented an extensive program for heavy vehicles through the realization of a conversion center and CNG stations service, according to Amel Djerdjegh , representative of NAFTAL.

The first CNG filling station was put into service last November Rouïba near a natural gas pipeline and large transport companies.

Naftal also provides incentives to generalize the use of this fuel by truck before extending this operation to light vehicles.

The representative of UNEP, Jane Akumu, presented, for its part, the global initiative to fuel efficiency (GFEI) conducted by the UN organization since 2009 and which Algeria is a party.

This program aims to promote policies in favor of a more efficient fuel consumption through the reduction of the global average consumption of 8 liters of fuel / 100 km currently to 4 liters / 100 km in 2050.

In Algeria, the average fuel consumption of 7 liters / 100 km per vehicle, according to a study by the UNEP in collaboration with APRUE.

Promoting policies encouraging fuel economy and the use of cleaner fuels to reduce the adverse effects on the environment are among the priorities of this program, according to Ms. Akumu.

In 2013, the transport sector in Algeria consumed 12.740 million TOE (tonnes of oil equivalent) of energy consumed by 92% of road transport

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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    LPG and CNG are alternative fuels for the future. Well shared Sara.
    Posted 06-06-2015 14:37

  • says :
    Wow! so happy to hear the new national program in Algeria for the development of energy efficiency (2016-2030) to convert 1.3 million vehicles to LPG and 11,000 CNG buses in 2030.
    I hope it really achieves the target and foster clean energy over traditional fuel.
    Thank you for sharing dear Sara :)
    Posted 05-06-2015 12:54

  • says :
    LPG is produced less GHG than petroleum. German is a leading country in using LPG as fuel for transportation, but now only limited for ship. It is a good news that Algeria want to alter petroleum to LPG.
    Posted 04-06-2015 22:00

  • says :
    The plan is very robust Sara. Thanks for sharing.
    I hope all countries use LPG and CNG as alternative fuels to save the green house emissions.
    Posted 04-06-2015 12:48

  • Arushi Madan says :
    12.7 million tonnes of oil consumed by transport sector in one year alone would have contributed so much to GHG emissions. It's really high time that not only Algeria but all other nations too implement and start exploring renewable or clean sources of energy like CNG .
    Thanks for sharing your national program 2016-2030 for development of energy efficiency. The aim to gain 42 Billion $ in 2030 by reducing energy consumption by 9% is very ambitious and all the best for it. The plans and strategies to achieve these really sound good if followed and actually put into practice.
    Thanks for a vivid report , Sara.
    Posted 04-06-2015 04:10

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