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Sustainability Weeks 2015 in Hokkaido University

by | 22-08-2015 12:08 recommendations 0

As we know, sustainability is one of the important thing to make a better future because we are not only thinking about life today, but life for our next generations. Sustainability now is also developed as a new emerging science in 21st century which is integrating and being bridge between basic science and applied science for the future of human being. This field of science is derived to many fields, from social, environmental science and engineering as well.


To build sustainable future, Hokkaido University, Japan hold an annual event called Sustainability weeks. This event is aiming to promote research and education to help create a sustainable society. The first Sustainability week was organized in 2007 and until now, this even is involving all around university. Not only in university, but also this event is open for public as well. From researchers, educators, students, citizens, and public residents from different disciplines, all of them come during sustainability week to discuss and share the most update information and knowledge.

This year's theme is "Reaffirm Our Responsibility for the Sapporo Sustainability Declaration 2008". And just like previous sustainability weeks, for this year SW, it has four interests, such as Learning from the future, Quality of life, Harmony with nature, and This year's theme itself. And people are exchanging ideas in the different of event style which consist of symposia, lecture, events for general public, exhibitions, presentation, competition, movie festival, poster presentation, events outside japan and so on. Sustainability week of Hokkaido University provides many kinds of topics, such as science, engineering, agriculture, social science, health science, cultural study, education, and economics.

From the field of engineering such as Seminar on Mysterious Materials, science such as international symposium of institute for catalysis, environmental science through lecture on measuring and modelling of tropical peat carbon to mitigate global warming, and many other fields. If you have interest on sustainability science and you have chance, you can reach this event website via : http://sustain.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/sw/2015/events/ . Future is not only ours, but also for our next generations. Hope this event can become trigger for Japanese people to consider on the future destiny, moreover, I hope this earth people also do the same, caring to the future. 

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  • says :
    Posted 22-08-2015 20:51

  • says :
    Sustainability is the word to follow, to live with ...Great to know the sustainability week celebration by the univ..
    Posted 22-08-2015 17:02

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Sustainability is important to make sure that we have and will continue to have- the water, materials, and resources to protect human health and our environment. You said it so nicely that sustainability is developed as a new emerging science , being bridge between basic science and applied science for the future of human being.
    Happy to know that Hokkaido University has been holding annual Sustainability week.Thanks for a great report , Mukhlish.
    Posted 22-08-2015 13:56

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Hokkaido University did very well. Every university in the world should set up something like that for students!! Thanks for sharing that mate!! Keep it up =)
    Posted 22-08-2015 13:08

  • says :
    I appreciate Hokkaido University's efforts in starting Sustainability Weeks.Glad to know that it promotes research and discussion in the field of sustainability.It is great that it is open to all.This will help create awareness about sustainable development.Thanks for sharing this!
    Posted 22-08-2015 12:41

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