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Waste Management- Can we manage it?

by | 22-08-2015 12:42 recommendations 0

Once I  had an opportunity to read an article which described how a few developed nations secretly disposed their wastes by tucking them away deep into the seas, and how it created an imbalance in the ecosystem, and how it affected the marine life.  So many tortoise and big fishes were found to be dead on the shores next year. It prompted me to visit a suburban area of Patna ,my very own city where the administration had been dumping all sorts of waste materials to create a base for an elevated road to be constructed thereafter. I was amazed  to find that they had been dumping the waste for the last three years as if they were creating a bridge of wastes.
The people around had been made to face and tolerate the stink and the infection of the heap of the garbage. The original idea was to compress the wastes, put soil over it, compress it again and build an elevated road. But, the whole idea was reduced to simply dumping the waste there, not caring about its ill-effects.
The stench was so nauseating but, a long exposure to the same stench had made the people ignorant to the very existence of the discarded materials, as if it was the most natural thing.
I was not at all surprised o see that it was only me who had a handkerchief to her nose. The local people were moving around feeling nothing. This was a classic example of subjecting the local population to such low level of hygiene condition that they don't even realize in what peril they are.
We already have rules for utilizing waste materials but, we have no effective mechanism  to implement the rules. 


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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Indeed, waste management is a challenge to a lot of companies, organizations and society itself. However, its awareness should be inserted in people's mind. Thanks to raise the issue Yagya! Keep it up! =D
    Posted 22-08-2015 23:11

  • says :
    Waste management is very important.A large amount of waste is generated every day but how to manage this waste is still a question.We must not dump waste simply in the open environment.It creates a lot of burden on our earth as well as poses a threat to humun health.Inspite of huge strides and development,we have not been able to manage our waste till now.This needs to be addressed.Thanks for reporting!
    Posted 22-08-2015 17:31

  • says :
    Yes, Yagya. In many suburbs such as Patna in Bihar, people are often forced to seal their windows, even in humid weather, in order to prevent close proximity with the filthy gutters that are left open and overflowing. It is really disturbing to notice that the "Use-And-Throw" culture continues to exist in the mentality of dwellers of such suburbs as well as cities. If a country needs to clear its wastes, it needs to first clear the dirty attitude in common people of mindlessly discarding waste material on streets and roads. Thanks Yagya for your insightful report:)
    Posted 22-08-2015 16:41

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Yes, waste can be managed but for that first we have to change people's mindset and attitude. By dumping waste out of their home , into open areas , they feel it won't haunt & harm them. Cleanliness means not only within your homes but also outside your boundaries-wherever you go. Any waste we throw ir-responsibly comes back haunting us in the form of diseases or deteriorating environment or ugly looking place. We should segregate waste into recycleable and non-recycleable and dispose it into proper bins. Thanks for highlighting this serious issue here , Yagya.
    Posted 22-08-2015 14:01

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