Indonesia has the largest and the best mangrove forest in the world consisted of 4.5 million ha from 18 million ha world?s mangrove forest. It is indicated that Indonesia has almost ?world?s mangrove forests.
Mangrove are trees and shrubs which grow in saline coastal habitats in the tropics and subtropics area. The Indonesia mangroves? type are: Api-Api (Avicennia Marina), Pidada (Sonneratia Caseolaris), Buta-buta (Excoecaria Agallocha), Cantinggi (Ceriops Tagal) and Nipah (Nypa Fruticans).
Mangrove serves very important functions for the environment, ecology and economy. Mangrove protects the sea from abrasion and also tsunami.
Mangrove has an ecological function in providing essential food chain resources for fish, birds, reptiles, amphibian and other endangered species and even the place for them to breed.
The fruit of mangrove could be used for syrups and crackers.
Mangroves convert Carbon Dioxide (CO2) to Oxygen (O2) which can help hinder global warming and climate change.
Dear Shruti Roy, Thank you.
Posted 23-10-2012 18:10
Nice article . Thanks you for posting.
Posted 22-10-2012 18:52
We are also waiting for you ^)
Posted 19-10-2012 19:31
Dear Ms. Christy, Thank you very much too. I missed you too. Hope to see you again. Best regards from Indonesia.
Posted 19-10-2012 17:07
Dear Eco Generation Team, Thank you for all the supports to me. Thank you for all Tunza Eco Generation Merchandises.
Posted 19-10-2012 17:05
Hi Averina!! We missed you soooooo much!
It's great to see you here. You look lovely in the picture. :-) Nice work!
Posted 19-10-2012 08:40
It's been a really long time! Good to see you here, Averina! We'll look forward to your activities!!!! Thanks for the update!
Posted 19-10-2012 08:30
Kehkashan, Thank you for your comment. How are you? I miss u all. Hope to see you again.
Posted 18-10-2012 18:46
Hi Averina! Thanks for sharing this!!
Posted 18-10-2012 18:44