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Face to air pollution of Ulaanbaatar

by | 27-11-2012 22:55 recommendations 0

An unrestricted increase in air pollution, poses a significant challenge for rapidly growing city like Ulaanbaatar that capital city of Mongolia. The Ulaanbaatar is the second-most particulate matter-polluted city on this planet, its ¡°harmful dust¡± is 6-7 times higher than the most lenient World Health Organization standards. 
Ulaanbaatar?s air pollution comes from many sources – dust from the desert, unpaved roads and open soil surfaces, lack of vegetation, ash and emissions from coal stoves, power plants, boilers, and vehicles? But coal and wood burning by the 175,000 households in ger areas for cooking and heating contributes to the severity of air pollution in wintertime – summer air pollution is much lower than in winter. 
The air pollution in the city of Ulaanbaatar is particularly severe in the Winter months, due to the natural constraints in the layout of the city, surrounded by mountains, and the meteorological conditions with low temperatures and low mixing heights for most part of the year, which limits the dispersion of pollutants and enhancing their ambient concentrations. 
The World Bank in a 2011 report estimates that 500 million USD is lost each year due to particulate-matter related expenses (time off work due to sickness, death, medical expenses, etc.). That is a very significant chunk of UB?s annual total income it was 20% of Ulaanbaatar?s 2008 GDP. 
Ger means nomadic tent in Mongolian – former herders who lost their domestic animals to harsh winters or who are looking for better job opportunities brought their gers to the city and settled on the close-in city outskirts, without piped water, sanitation or basic city infrastructure. 
Today, children are suffering from many unfamiliar illnesses caused by air pollution. As a mother I am very worried about my children?s health and my neighbors? newborns. About me, if I had a baby I won?t live Ulaanbaatar during pregnant. Because it?s quite danger of my baby?s health such as he or she will have some strange disease for whole life or he won?t born . 
All Mongolian worry about air pollution of Ulaanbaatar, If you have same situation, or know some idea, share us please.. 

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  • says :
    Thank you Christy.. Of course, We know trees give us fresh air. Government and some non-government organization planting trees,. but it didn't help enough and those trees didn't grow enough..
    Posted 02-01-2013 22:58

  • says :
    Bolortuya, this is a very informative article. Great job!
    I could understand the situation of airpolution in Ulanbataar very well.

    Is there any campagins like "Tree planting"?
    Is Ulanbataar suit for tree planting?

    as we know Trees are living air cleaner :-)
    Posted 30-11-2012 08:41

  • says :
    I am sorry for post here,, Because it doesn't upload my notice in there.. but Enjoy it
    Posted 27-11-2012 22:58

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