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Myanmar and Plastic bags

by | 10-03-2016 19:43 recommendations 0

Myanmar and Plastic bags

     Myanmar, a member of southeast Asia countries, has been used plastics widely for fifty years. As a result of plastics, we get a dirty environment which can harms not only our health but also the lives of animals and wild life. As we use lots of plastics, we have to consider how to throw away these site products.And others didn't care in throwing plastics and they throw carelessly and due to doing like this, it destroys our environment. If it gets into water, animals from coastal areas and from undersea will eat as a food and when it gets into animals' body, it harms them and even make die.

And also people widely use plastic bags in packaging things and they use as a container for putting hot drinks and food. As they use like this, they get a lot of disadvantages and even harmful disease as the chemicals from plastics dissolve in hot things which is toxic. So, we have to educate local people not to use plastics a lot and if they can, they should do "4R" such as Recycle,Reuse,Reduce and Refuse. And we also do campaigns for  reducing plastics and we make recycle bags in the place of recycle bags and we deliver free to them and we connect with companies to use recycle bags widely.

And we mark recycle bins in three colors like green red and black. Green color is for throwing waste products from kitchen, red is for throwing things which can't be recycled and black is for throwing recycle things and plastics. We could do it successfully and people allow to do four "R" and I hope this will make our environment more clean and beautiful.

showing to use recycle bags inplace of plastic bagsShowing the use of plastics in Myanmar

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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    I do agree with Heonjun, biodegradable plastics are existing nowadays. In addition to that, researches for microorganisms that consume and degrade plastics are continuous and prevailing. Anyway, thank you for sharing this one Phyo! Looking forward to hear more from you! Good job! :)
    Posted 13-03-2016 23:39

  • says :
    Phyo, throwing away plastic bags causes serious environmental disaster, since plastics do not decompose unless a few centuries have passed. For solving this problem, renewable bags called 'eco-bag' have been introduced. It is simply bags that are made out of cloth, which are easy to carry and can easily decay even after disposal. You may find information on this, and keep up the good work :-)
    Posted 12-03-2016 00:44

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I agree with you that apart from harmful impacts of plastic on environment, it has health risks also if you heat your food in plastic container(not all plastic containers can be heated with food inside). It is best to carry your own reusable bags. I like the 4th 'R' -refuse to use plastics. Thanks for the report.
    Posted 11-03-2016 07:05

  • says :
    Hi Phyo, thanks for news from Miyanmar. The previous article I read before this was also about a plastic bag :D There are biodegradable plastic bags these days, but yeah the most eco friendly bag would be your arms! Thank you for sharing your story!
    Posted 11-03-2016 00:24

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