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Nigerian Environment Minister Offers Hope on Brutally Killed Jos Lion

by | 11-03-2016 04:11 recommendations 0

I wrote a report late last year about a Lion that escaped a Park in Jos, Nigeria and was brutally murdered after authorities failed to lure it back to the park. The park official inexplicably didn't use tranquilizers in their bid to get the Lion back but resorted to shooting the poor animal dead at the reportedly the least provocation. 
The Lion's dead body was later pictured being butchered by locals as a rare bush meat. The situation caused huge outrage in Nigeria as that was the only Lion in that Park.

On the 23rd of February, 2016, I asked the Nigerian Minister for Environment about the incident on twitter:

A lion was ruthlessly murdered in the Jos park and there has been no queries.I am expecting an action from HE

The minister, Her Excellency, Amina Mohammed, responded promptly as below:

We have made inquires to the State as this incident comes under their jurisdiction. Very sad incident

I was happy to read the minister's response as the lack of action before then was quite disturbing. I hope the state finishes its inquiries soon and hand penalties to the culprits. We have to save our wildlife as their survival is #InOurHands

Photo by: scannewsnigeria.com
The Lion

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  • says :
    Thank you Udeh for sharing this story. What a sad story! I am surprised to see how the people butchered a lion. But despite this tragic and even somewhat unreal event, I think of your action very highly! Who would even think to send a message to the minister of environment! I think the change has already started :D in that way, i say this can partly be a good sign. Thanks for sharing!
    Posted 12-03-2016 00:44

  • says :
    Udeh, I express concern and sadness to the lion for being recklessly killed at the park. It is certainly an irony that while we keep endangered animals for protection, shooting happens quite frequently then we expect, which implys that even parks are not the safest place for these animals. Since the Minister has shown adequate response, I hope the punishment is made to the culprit as soon as possible. Keep up the good work, and I enjoyed your article :-)
    Posted 11-03-2016 21:09

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I appreciate your concern and your way of following up on this sad incident by asking through twitter. It's good to note that Minister Amina did not overlook it and promptly responded and assured the needed action. I, too, hope that culprit gets penalised and punished. We must respect and protect wildlife as they form an important part of the whole ecosystem.
    Posted 11-03-2016 07:41

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