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Discussion about how to reduce air pollution

by | 17-03-2016 12:11 recommendations 0

We all live in the earth, so the air we breathe each day can be subject to be impacted by many others. Simply, if place A is a great construction site, the place B nearby will suffer from tons of dust and waste too. Place A and B can be understood as a house, a province, a small city or even a country. Therefore, to prevent air pollution and its influence thoroughly, there is really a need of co-operation among individuals, organizations and countries.


First of all, each person is very small but basic unit of society. As a result, their actions can have great impact on each society¡¯s goal, and here is air pollution prevention. The first thing they can do is using public transport instead of public transport.


It is easy to be seen that each car or motorbike ¡°eat¡± a lot of fuel, and then emit tons of CO2, which is totally harmful to environment. However, in Hanoi, a place with such a huge number of narrow streets, where bus is hard to reach, using motorbike is always preferred by the citizens.


©£ Not only the citizens should change their means of transport, but also the authorities should make conditions for them, create good public transport net with reasonable time schedule, stops so that they become the favorite way to travel in the citizens¡¯ eyes.


Secondly, each of us who has priority to use electricity, compared to many others living in remote areas in the world, should raise awareness of saving energy. Why? Because nowadays, most of the electricity is produced by burning fossil fuel, which release heat, ash and dust, saving electricity helps reducing air pollution.


©£ Besides, government should encourage their citizens use new method of producing energy like solar panel. Though the cost at first stage is high, but for the long run, it saves many other costs for improving environment.


The next method I want to mention is growing trees. Trees can be considered as ¡°green lungs of the earth¡± which keep the air fresh and reduce CO2. However, wood is also a preferred production so each year many trees are cut down. So if all the people do not share the same goal and opinion and join hand to protect trees, we will lost a very precious source to supply fresh air.


©£ The responsible authorities should give out suitable place of growing trees and control the deforestation.


Finally, we cannot forget to ask for education¡¯s help. Because when the future generation can understand the importance of air and avoid the activities that are harmful to air, air quality will surely be improved. 



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  • says :
    Posted 18-03-2016 23:36

  • says :
    Thank you for the Report Thao. Well comprehended and precise. Great work!
    Posted 18-03-2016 01:35

  • says :
    Thao, great ideas about reducing air pollution! As you have mentioned, there are several ways we can do to save our Earth, but the real problem here is that there are no actual regulations that can force people to follow these. Some may even refute that it is their right to live a more convenient life even by creating pollution. Thus the government and the educated have the crucial role of promoting green acts of saving electricity and growing trees. Thanks for posting, and keep up the good work :-)
    Posted 17-03-2016 23:09

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I agree and appreciate every point in your report. Tree plantations should be encouraged. Authorities should provide site for the same. Usage of papers should be reduced or the wastage should be minimised(by reusing and recycling paper) to save trees and hence improve air quality as you rightly said Trees are the lungs of earth. Let's not choke our Earth by cutting trees. Thanks for the great report.
    Posted 17-03-2016 18:41

  • says :
    Thank you Thao for posting! All your points are reasonable. There would be nothing more to wish for had all those points were realized. Recently I found an interesting article on a transparent solar panel that can be widely used as window, screens, etc. If these types of panels become more accessible with lower price, more and more buildings would be able to produce their own energy. Let's hope that day to come soon. Read the following article if you're interested:
    Posted 17-03-2016 17:10

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