Dejasu Bayleyegn, the spokesman for the ministry of Environment and forest in Ethiopia talked to Eco-generation about the success of Ethiopia in implementing a strategy for a green economy and youth participation when it comes to environmental protection.
I began by asking him how he describes Ethiopia?s development and success in the areas of environmental protection and conservation. On top of that, I asked him if he believes the current strategies that have been laid out by the government have brought a fundamental change in conserving the environment.
According to Mr. Bayleyegn, when it comes to climate change and polluting the environment, Ethiopia has contributed a little if not none per economy to the global climate change crisis. But the country has become a major victim because of climate change. Ethiopia?s Economy is mainly dependant on traditional agriculture which makes the country even more vulnerable to catastrophes that happen as a result of climate change. When it comes to strategies, in line with commitments within the Copenhagen Accord, the ministry of environment and forest (EPA), on behalf of Ethiopia, compiled from various sectors and submitted the countries voluntary nationally appropriate mitigation Actions to the Executive secretary of the UNFCCC in January 2010. The mitigation actions and the strategies the government formulated contain aspirational targets for actions across the sectors. These sectors include Agriculture, Forest administrations, industry, construction and transport. One of the ambitions planes Ethiopia has put forward is its plan to maintain its carbon emission to 150mn metric ton by 2030. To achieve this ambitious plan Ethiopia?s strategy to tackle climate change mainly focuses on Agriculture. This is because the traditional way of Agriculture has been the main source of emission in Ethiopia. Emissions as a result of agriculture account almost 87% of the overall emission figure in Ethiopia. This can be characterized by deforestations for agricultural expansion, traditional production of livestock and poor environmental awareness. In order to tackle this problem the government is engaged in emission control and disaster recovery projects in order to minimize agricultural emissions. Since 2010, nationwide campaigns have been led by the government in order to create Environmental awareness among all factions of the general public. Ethiopia?s work in the areas of conservation was not done in vain. Now, the country?s forest coverage has increased dramatically and it is now 15.5 % from >3% it was 26 years ago. Although there is still a lot to be done, given these achievements, it is fair to say Ethiopia is moving in the right direction when it comes to Environmental conservation.
Mr. Bayleyegn also stressed the role of Ethiopian youth as the core of the strategy in Environmental conservation. According to Mr. Bayleyegn, the strategy aims to make the Ethiopian youth part of the solution in conserving the environment. One approach the government is taking to ensure youth participation in conservation is the creation of Eco-friendly Job opportunities that can benefit the youth economically. Bee keeping is one notable example as an eco-friendly job opportunity that the spokesman gave me. Furthermore, Mr. Bayleyegn stressed, the government is engaged in creating environmental awareness amongst all factions of the society and particularly among the youth in order to have a national consensus about climate change and environmental protection. School curriculums in primary and secondary school now extensively focus on environmental protection so that children and the youth would understand the dangers of climate change and the importance of environmental conservation.
Finally, Mr. Bayleyegn took the opportunity to address the world youth and Eco-generation members. Mr. Bayleyegn appreciated Eco-generation and its members for their commitment towards a better environment and the work they are doing to create environmental awareness among children and youth. On top of that, the spokesman also affirmed the support of the ministry of Environment and Forest for the campaigns and seminars Eco-generation is planning to lead in Ethiopia in May and afterwards.
Wow! It feels great to know that you took up this great initiative and interviewed the spokesperson of EPA. Efoorts like this are appreciated and much needed!
Posted 12-04-2016 01:07
Thank you all for the great comments. We will work hard to achieve environmental goals in the world.
Posted 07-04-2016 21:14
Youth power is immense & well appreciated all over. Congrats for having the coveted opportunity to meet Mr. Bayleyegn.
Nice pics & good report, Olansis.
Posted 07-04-2016 14:57
Great! I'm happy to hear you had such a rare opportunity! to meet a spokesperson! And also happy to hear that he puts much importance to the youth's role in the environmental issues. I feel Mr. Bayleyegn is not just an ordinary civil servant :D Thanks for telling us your great story! all the best!
Posted 07-04-2016 12:30
Olansis, I envy you for having a great opportunity to meet the spokesman. Since agriculture takes a huge part of the economy and as well as environmental pollution, I agree there needs changes. Technologies for conserving the farmland without cutting any more trees should be developed, and constant campaigns are necessary as well. Thanks for reporting, and have a great day :-)
Posted 07-04-2016 10:46
I m glad that you are drawing attention of EPA and met their spokesperson. Also happy to note that Mr. Bayleyegn believes in and appreciated the power of youth and aims to make the Ethiopian youth part of the solution in conserving the environment. Your this meeting will get you lot of his support in your efforts towards environment protection. Keep it up. Thanks for sharing.
Posted 07-04-2016 02:37