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Preventing Zika virus by growing plants

by | 10-04-2016 13:26 recommendations 0

Nowadays, Zika virus is out-breaking because it can be transmitted so fast. Many countries announced to have the cases that got Zika virus. Few days ago in my country, Ministry of Public Health officially confirmed that Vietnam had the first two people getting down with Zika. I believe that if we do not take action soon, this epidemic will out-break everywhere in the world and make colossal damages for nations.


So how can we prevent the quick development of Zika? This difficult task can actually be handled by simple action which is growing plants. Mosquitos who bring Zika virus usually live in dirty bushes and wet places. However, there are some plants and flowers which can drive mosquitos and other insects away.


1. Lavender

Mosquitos cannot bear lavender smell. If you grow lavender in the house, mosquitos will not come in. Besides, you can use lavender to make tea which is really good for your health, make you less stressful and more relaxed.


2. Citronella

 Citronella not only can drive mosquito but also snake away. Also, you can use citronella as a good spice for cooking.


3. Mint

Mint is so much familiar with us. It can keep the atmosphere in our houses fresh and mosquitos never want to be around this kind of plant.


4. Marigold

In Vietnam this kind of flower is considered as the symbol of longevity. Besides, many insects including mosquitos are allergic to the smell of this flower.


5. Rosemary

Rosemary is known as a good spice for cooking beef and it also promote good digestion. More than that, it is mosquito repellent. 

Source: http://m.tinmoitruong.vn/gia-dinh-xanh/8-loai-cay-trong-don-gian-phong-vi-rut-zika-va-lam-dep-nha-ban_10_47843_1.html

useful plants

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  • Adam Zhou says :
    Very interesting solution! Though there is no cure for the Zika virus, vaccines are being made to oppose the topic. However, creative initiatives such as the one you wrote in your report seems just as feasible for preventing the virus' spread.Thank you for the report!
    Posted 14-04-2016 11:38

  • says :
    Thao, thanks for sharing such tips to prevent Zika virus. Once the virus carrier enters the country, it can spread at a very fast speed. Just when H1N1 was spreading all over the world a few years ago, all the nations were alarmed to prevent it from attacking its citizens. I hope Vietnam and all the other countries can successfully keep its people healthy and strong. Thanks for posting and have a great week!
    Posted 13-04-2016 17:02

  • says :
    Hey Thao, thanks for sharing. Luckily Korea is not warm enough for the mosquitoes to fly around, for now. The government here is also taking measures to eradicate sources that can possibly be used by the insects. I guess, since it is much warmer there, there needs to be stronger engagement in Vietnam. Let's hope things will get better soon. Thanks for posting!
    Posted 11-04-2016 19:42

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for an informative article. We must spread info on such ways to as many people as possible -to keep away Zika virus.
    Posted 11-04-2016 00:56

  • says :
    Hey thao, thanks for sharing the article with Eco-generation members. The zika virus epidemic is something that needs a world wide solution.
    Posted 10-04-2016 17:38

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