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Environmental Conservation Organizations in United States- Part I

by | 16-09-2016 13:14 recommendations 0

One of the themes this month is the popular environmental organizations in our region. Many of the environmental organizations have headquarters in United States, and each country that these organizations are active at has different ways.

 (Note: Although many international environmental organizations have regional centers in North American regions, I mainly focused organization groups that originated from North American region only.)

One of the most well-known groups is Sierra Club. Everyone in United States learns about Sierra Club at some point, especially those taking Advanced Placement classes (I learned in APUSH as well) because the founder of Sierra club, John Muir, worked closely with our influential president, Teddy Roosevelt. (Since then, this organization is known as one of the most effective group to cooperate with government.) This organization is found in 1892 and is definitely one of the oldest environmental conservation group active today. Following Muir?s work with Roosevelt to conserve lands and establish our National Park system, this organization is known for their action on preservation of land and forest, clean air and water. (Picture below is the famous photo of Roosevelt and Muir exploring the area)

Another famous group is the National Audubon Society. I frequently see National Audubon Society around, especially because I have abundant bird experts around my local area. This organization, using a mission statement ?to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth?s biological diversity? they say that they are conservation group for many wildlife, but based on my work with National Audubon Society their work is solely focused on protecting the birds. (The organization's Fieldguide to birding is one of the most concised and detailed book I've ever seen. Recommended to use if anyone wants to go birding!)

Previously mentioned two were the two most famous environmental groups in my area of SoCal. I did further research to learn about other environmental groups:

EarthFirst! Is another group that I am less familiar with, although this radical environmental group originates from my home state region(southwestern United States). According to the research, EarthFirst! Has no specific websites, or members. Rather, they directly fight with the environmental problems in action, often breaking the laws. They describe themselves as the survivors of the attacks by moderates and uncompromising group of environmental activists.

Looking for unique, innovative organization? Green America, formally known as Co-Op America ,was very fascinating. Using the phrase economic Action for a just Planet as their slogan, this organization focus on ?economic initiatives and actions over other conservation works. They specificall focus on responsibilities we have to conserve the environment relating to consumerism and our responsibilities. In contrast, more traditional, formal organization includes National Wildlife Federation, which protects the animal in United States and work locally within our inland states. One of the big-scaled group, the organization participates directly to take care of wildlife animals.

(I will divide the article in two parts, since I have so many interesting groups I strongly want to introduce!)

Primary source: "25 Environmental Agencies and Organizations: http://webecoist.momtastic.com/2008/09/24/25-environmental-agencies-and-organizations/)


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  • says :
    I just read your second part of the article, and I am here to read the first part! Sierra club is a very well-known environmental organization even in foreign countries, due to its long history and various activities.
    Posted 24-09-2016 01:14

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 18-09-2016 18:40

  • says :
    Glad to see you again Yuna, I'll read through all the series and comment on the last report, thanks for posting on time.
    Posted 17-09-2016 21:48

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for telling us about these environmental organisations in USA.
    Posted 16-09-2016 17:47

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