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2017 Lakbay Lawa Forum

by Bam Azores | 09-03-2017 19:31 recommendations 1

The Diocese of San Pablo in cooperation with the Provincial Government of Laguna and other organizations including our FSLF organized the Lakbay Lawa Forum held at the Community Center of the Capitol grounds on March 3, 2017. 


There were five speakers who gave inputs. The first was Dr. Espaldon, who spoke about Laguna de Bay: Towards a Sustainable Future.  This gave the participants a situationer on the water quality in the lake. He discussed pollution in the lake which is largely due to increase in urban and human settlements.


The second speaker was Dr. Josefino Comiso from NASA.  He is a visiting professor at the University of the Philippines. He showed maps and satellite images of Laguna de Bay as viewed from space.  He talked about remote sensing principles and the power of high resolution data to benefit the country. Through these technology we can see how serious pollution is in our lakes.


The third speaker was a young person representing the Asian Development Bank Youth. Her name is Eka Menez and she introduced the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. She also spoke about capacity building and what young people can do to save our lakes. She encouraged the participants to understand the UN SDGs and use them as guidelines in our effort to protect the lakes.


Director Lennie Borja represented the Laguna Lake Development Authority which is supposed to be the agency that takes care of our lakes. She talked about a new LLDA Board Resolution that directed a one year moratorium on the operation of fishpens, fishcages and all aquaculture structures in Laguna Lake. She said this is important so that there can be an equitable distribution of resources of the lake for all stakeholders.


The last speaker was Dr. Charity Zafaralla. She also talked about the conditions of the water and water quality indicators. She presented her project which is the Aquatic Macrophyte Biosorption System, which is a green filter system that cleans water sources like creeks, rivers and lakes.


The Forum ended with a workshop in the afternoon that had the participants discuss the issues they heard and come up with recommendations on how to bring life back to the lake as our gift to our Lake of Hope.


Tarpaulin of eventYouth volunteersNASA ComisaDirector Borja

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  • Dormant user Bam Azores
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  • Bam Azores says :
    Thanks to all. I wasn't at the Forum though because I had class, but my friends told me about the event and I also read the program and the final report. I belong to the groups that organized it so I am updated on the activities. I also know two of the speakers personally and worked with another. I don't know the NASA guy but maybe we can connect you if you (Angel) are interested. Frederick, an interesting thing we are looking at in our polluted lakes is floating green filters. Check this out. http://tunza.eco-generation.org/ambassadorReportView.jsp?viewID=12087. Daon, the UN SDGs was discussed by Eka was just the standard presentation that describes the 17 SDGs. It is supposed to encourage discussion on how do your part in achieving the SDGs. Cheonghan, I am most interested in the topic of Ms. Lennie Borja cuz a moratorium on fishcages/fishpens is a first step to declaring lakes as sanctuaries so they can heal themselves.
    Posted 26-03-2017 14:39

  • says :
    Bam, thank you for the report. I see you enjoyed the forum. We can understand clearly what was discussed there. Among the five speakers which topic intrigued you most? Tell us why and you can do some research on that issue and write about it.
    Posted 14-03-2017 17:14

  • says :
    Hi Bam! Thanks for writing about your conference exprience with all!
    There were so many interesting guest speakers and I especially want to learn more about what Eka Menez talked about UN Sustainable Development Goals!
    One thing is that if you include basic information about the conference that you are participating in the beginning of the passage, it would be very helpful for us to understand!
    Thanks again for awesome article!
    Posted 11-03-2017 23:39

  • Anthony Emecheta says :
    I never miss a chance to be in such a gathering. Listening to great minds speak is always a burst of inspiration. We all enjoy natural water bodies, gazing at the lakes and seas but it is sad that we often do little to safeguard them from pollution - in fact, we pollute them ourselves. Nice report Bam Azores.
    Posted 11-03-2017 04:03

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Quite informative forum. I am sure you would have felt enlightened by listening to these eminent speakers, expert in their field. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 10-03-2017 04:35

  • says :
    Interesting conference. Even in Ivory Coast we have a polluted lake, I hope you will share more details about the solutions their propose to fight against that scourge which destroying our lake and our environment as a whole.
    Posted 09-03-2017 21:20

  • says :
    Interesting, Bam! Was so interested about the NASA speaker as I am into Remote Sensing too. Wish I could have been there, tbh. Haha
    Keep the reports coming and hi from Davao!
    Posted 09-03-2017 20:53

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