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by Vannia Yalan | 03-11-2021 06:56 recommendations 0

Zero Waste.
When I though about zero I feel such an unbelivable emotion, I have always though that is something is purely imaginary, then that would be zero, or should I better say The Zero, you know, just to be in character.

The theme of September was Zero Waste, and our character The Zero found this topic just as hilarious as I do. Do not take me wrong, it is a fantastic topic to explain and talk about million of things that could make readers sensitive and aware of their actions and their environmental consequences. However, my aim is a bit different.

I bet that right now you are breathing, if not please let me inform you are so much dead as the rock in the middle of the river. Back to the point, you are breathing and you are contaminating the air, yes, that is right, you are doing nothing and contaminating at the same time, congratulations! Now, all the methane emissions along with carbone dioxine of your breathing process is completely fine with the environment, it has learned how to deal with you, me and other billions of people.

What is really the problem is how to treat the air, how can you solve or decrease your impact in the environment, what do you do to be usefull for nature and not a heavy bargain environment have to carry. Posts like these do not have the definive answer, but what I can provide along with other ambassador are proposals. 

It is important to know that at the end of the day, you have the final word, you decide what to do and why to do it. All of us have power in our hands, yet just brave people accept it and begin with the change the planet needs.

With no more to add I say goodbye and let you some ideas to begin the change.

1. Plant a tree. Could be your little baby, at least until it grows up, it could even hear you when you are sad.
2. Avoid plastic. Believe me when I say that using glass deposits keep the food even with better flavour than plastic and you can wash them easily. If not for the environment, for saving minutes of washing dishes.
3. Communicate these ideas with other. Words do not cost you a cent but in the future even the air would be expensive if nobody does something.

Vannia Yalan
Ways to do Zero Waste in your own kitchen

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  • Dormant user Vannia Yalan
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  • Hannah Mentor says :
    Hello Vannia, this is your mentor Hannah.
    Sorry for the late comment.
    I love your articles because it shows how deep and strong your thought on each topics is.
    Especially, communicating these ideas on zero waste is a great point.
    Thank you for your great article and please keep up with your wonderful work :)

    Posted 29-11-2021 00:58

  • Vivian Nabisere says :
    Thanks for sharing this information with us.
    Posted 05-11-2021 14:02

  • Joon Mentor says :
    Hello Vannia, this is your mentor Joon!

    We should consider Zero Waste as a lifestyle, not a campaign. Campaign is just an event which is hard to be continued, but considering the negative impact we are affecting to earth, we need to implement it to our daily life. To do so, we should always keep in mind what you have mentioned on your article. In addition, we can consider 5Rs or 7Rs, extend from 5R, which was suggested by the introducer of the term 'Zero Waste'. What are you up to? If you are considering this issue seriously, it would be good to start implementing this lifestyle on your daily life.

    Well read, and hope you are doing well.


    Posted 04-11-2021 15:39

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