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[March Theme Report] Wildlife Preservation: Does insects need preservation?

by Nguyen Trang | 16-03-2023 16:56 recommendations 0

Topic for March 2023: <Wildlife Preservation>

Insects are some of the most diverse and abundant creatures on earth, with over one million identified species and an estimated five million yet to be discovered. Despite their importance in the ecosystem, insects are often overlooked when it comes to conservation efforts. This raises the question: do insects need preservation?

Insects play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. They are pollinators, decomposers, and a food source for other animals. Without insects, many plant species would not be able to reproduce, and the food chain would be disrupted. Insects also provide important services to humans, such as pest control and the production of honey, silk, and other valuable products.

Despite their importance, insects are facing numerous threats that have led to a decline in their population. Habitat destruction, pesticide use, climate change, and pollution are some of the main factors contributing to the decline of insect populations. Insects are also vulnerable to over-harvesting for food and the pet trade. The loss of insect species can have a cascading effect on the ecosystem, leading to the extinction of other species that depend on them for survival.

In conclusion, the answer is yes, insects need preservation. Insects play a critical role in the ecosystem, and their decline could have devastating consequences. Preserving insect habitats, reducing pesticide use, and raising awareness about the importance of insects are some of the measures that can be taken to protect these valuable creatures. It is important to recognize the significance of insects and take action to ensure their survival for the benefit of both humans and the environment.


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  • Dormant user Nguyen Trang
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Yewon Mentor

  • Yewon Mentor says :
    Hello Nguyen! This is your mentor Yewon.

    You have written about the prevention of insects. What an interesting topic!

    Usually, people(including myself,, haha) don't like insects so they try to get rid of them by using pesticides, etc. However, as you mentioned in your report, insects conduct a greatly important role in the ecosystem so we should protect insects as well!

    Thank you for your great work!
    Posted 29-03-2023 02:37

Dzelamunyuy Simuben

  • Dzelamunyuy Simuben says :
    Great report, bees are lovers of nature and protecting bees serves alot in the ecosystem.
    Posted 17-03-2023 16:53

  • James Mentor says :
    Hello Nguyen! This is your mentor James! (Again! Haha)
    I see that you have chosen to write another article regarding wildlife preservation!
    Great work, but keep in mind that it's not mandatory to write two articles about the theme of the month.

    Anyways, this is truly an interesting report as it explores the question whether insects also need protection as wildlife. And you have answered and explained well! Insects are surely a part of the ecosystem as well, and many insects are closely related to the survival and growth of fauna and flora.

    Really appreciate your interesting report! Keep up the great work!
    Posted 17-03-2023 14:47

Salome Nuah

  • Salome Nuah says :
    Hello Nguyen, I love your report about insects conservation.
    Posted 17-03-2023 11:41

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