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[March Free Report] The Nourishing Mother

by Yashaswi Hegde | 30-03-2023 04:25 recommendations 0

The Nourishing Mother

Our planet is a complex place with interdependent systems that are often hard to comprehend. However, we tend to overlook this and carry on with our daily lives without appreciating the delicate balance of nature that supports us. We often don't realize the significance of the natural resources available to us and how our actions can have a profound impact on the environment.

But what if we shifted our perspective and looked at the Earth as a nurturing mother figure? Many ancient cultures revered the Earth as a goddess or a mother figure, an entity that provides us with everything we need to survive and thrive. The Hopi tribe of Native Americans recognized the Earth as a living being with a spirit and soul and believed in the interconnectedness of all things. They referred to the Earth as "Our Mother, the Earth," and acknowledged her vital role in sustaining life.

Mother Earth

Source: Pinterest

Even in modern times, environmental activists like Vandana Shiva continue to spread this message of interconnectedness and emphasize the importance of treating the Earth with respect and care. Shiva, an Indian scholar, environmentalist, and author, has dedicated her life to promoting sustainable agriculture and protecting the rights of farmers and indigenous communities.

Shiva's work is based on the belief that the Earth is a living, breathing entity deserving of our utmost care and respect. She advocates for working with nature, rather than against it, with the ultimate goal of creating a world where all beings can thrive.

One of Shiva's most significant contributions to the environmental movement is her advocacy for organic farming. She believes that by using natural methods like crop rotation and composting, we can create healthy, sustainable food systems that benefit both the environment and human health. Through her organization, Navdanya, Shiva has helped establish over 120 seed banks and community seed centers, preserving traditional knowledge and promoting ecological farming practices.


Pic Credits: Documentary Australia

Shiva is also a vocal opponent of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and corporate control of agriculture. She has campaigned against companies like Monsanto, which she believes are threatening global food security and the sovereignty of farmers. Additionally, Shiva is a strong advocate for the rights of women in agriculture, recognizing their vital role in sustaining communities and promoting ecological farming practices.

Shiva's work has inspired a new generation of young people to view the Earth not as an inert rock, but as a living entity deserving of our love and care. Through her writings and speeches, she has challenged us to reconsider our relationship with the natural world and take action to protect it for future generations.

As we face the environmental challenges of our time, it is more important than ever to see the Earth as a nurturing mother figure that deserves our respect and care. By following the example of environmental champions like Vandana Shiva and embracing this perspective, we can begin to create a world where all beings can thrive, and the Earth can continue to nourish us for generations to come.

Picture Credits: Deviant Art

Mother Earth


  • India Youth Yashaswi Hegde
  • recommend


James Mentor

  • James Mentor says :
    Hello Yashaswi! This is your mentor James!
    First of all, so sorry for the late comment!

    As a world history lover, I certainly agree that ancient civilizations, such as native Indians, thought nature as a caring mother figure. They believed each living organisms have independent souls that may connect to each other via intimate interactions.

    Nowadays, I think this ideology should be respected and implemented in certain regions where rapid deforestation is occurring. Importance of wildlife should be recognized for the sake of our morality.

    Thanks for the meaningful report! Looking forward to reading your next one!
    Posted 04-05-2023 22:13

Baraka E Urio

  • Baraka E Urio says :
    This is the informative report, for real the earth is our nourishing mother, we earn almost everything from it.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 30-03-2023 16:22

Yewon Mentor

  • Yewon Mentor says :
    Hello Yashaswi! This is your mentor, Yewon!

    What an interesting report! You have written a report about 'the nourishing mother', and in the report, you emphasized the importance of the attitude of seeing the earth as a nurturing mother. It was quite interesting to me, and I totally agree with your opinion that we should treat the earth with care, not the source of materials we need.

    Thank you for sharing information about Shiva, and letting us learn about her! And also I appreciate your great work!
    Posted 30-03-2023 09:10

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