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by | 19-06-2014 14:59 recommendations 0

Walk and pick

 When you learn to pick your trash you learn also not to litter our environment, this years world environment day was celebrated with a very important lesson.  Just like many countries all over the world in Tanzania world environment day was commemorated with various environmental event all around the country. One of the events I attended to was the walk and pick event organized by a non-governmental organization called NIPE FAGIO in English meaning (Give Me a Broom).

It was a lovely morning Thursday 6th June, a group of organized activist mostly young people all around the city gathered at our starting point. The walk and pick activist were expected to walk for approximately 5 kilometers passing through six major sub stations before reaching our destination, everyone was given a pair of glove and a disposal bad and assigned to pick any waste they come across the road but its should be a pick able waste the one you can manage to carry for a long distance. Aside from the picking event we also carried along our massage of environmental conversation that encouraged proper disposal of waste and also we did one on one talks with other people on the road telling them about the wed and encouraging the on environmental protection specifically proper waste disposal.

The walk and pick event was the one with multi functions, it also promoted youth role in sustainable development and built energy and momentum toward sustainable future, you only know whats missing when you take self actions to attain it. Walk and pick event taught young people to fight for a better environment by taking personal actions to ensure our surrounding environment is clean if every young person did so imagine the environment we could be living in today. Walk and pick event was also empowering since it gave as the grounds to stand and demand a clean environment.

Everyone wants to change the world but no one wants to change themselves this quote by Leo Tolstoy was an essential lesson on the walk and pick event, we realized changing the world starts within us, who do we see the world and what do we do to ensure the beauty and diversity of our planet is not destroyed. We started by changing our behavior of disposing waste randomly, and then they think that its only the governments responsibility to take care of the environment. Surely everyone can do things to ensure a better world.  Everyone is facing this global challenge and each one of us has a responsibility to shift that leads to adopting sustainable lifestyle. We are not only the future of this world but we are the current generations that need to start impacting change within as and all over the world.

on the road picking representative from voice giving and nipe fagioa group photo after the lomh walk and pick events, representatuves from different organizations that participated in the event

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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    Great initiative! Here,we believe every effort counts.
    Posted 21-06-2014 03:41

  • Arushi Madan says :
    What a wonderful initiative by " Nipe Fagio". You truely celebrated WED by engaging in this unique event , actually working hands on . Well said that when you have to pick your trash , you will learn not to litter the environment. This event would have really been very useful in conveying a strong message . Thanks , Francisca , for sharing it with us . Good job.
    Posted 20-06-2014 18:00

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Great initiative for young people! Thanks for sharing
    Posted 20-06-2014 11:01

  • says :
    due to limited internet connections i can not upload a lot of pictures, but you can visit my facebook page for more descriptive pictures of the walk and pick event. katya charly is my facebook name.
    Posted 20-06-2014 01:27

  • says :
    Everyone want to change the world but no one want the change themself. It's very true so we need to start to change from ourself then only we can change the world. You celebration of WED really brought a change. Great work. Thank you for sharing such great initiative.
    Posted 19-06-2014 17:16

  • says :
    What a lovely WED celebration! Thank you for sharing Francisca!
    I was so touched by your move toward action. I double agreed with the quote 'everyone wants to change the world but no one wants to change themselves' If we changed ourselves more than half is already achieved :)
    Posted 19-06-2014 16:35

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Walk & pick is an excellent initiative Francisca.
    You have shown true leadership by showcasing to the community that littering is bad & I am sure they will surely shun the habit of littering.
    5 KMs is a long walk indeed, Congrats.
    It would have been great to see pictures of this excellent activity.
    Posted 19-06-2014 15:18

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