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An ECO Behavior- My Leanings today..

by | 27-08-2013 03:54 recommendations 0

My Learnings from Dallu Residental area, Swyambhunath" World Heritage Site" and Private Home.


Always heard people out crying for the water scarcity problem.Sometimes in my locality too I faces those situations.But today I visited a person who is free from those issues. Who had managed to overcome those issues and managed his own water supply system in his courtyard. He confidently says "I don't worry rather the government supply tap provide water or not i have managed myself." Mr. Narendra Man Dongol, yes the person that i was talking about that I visited today.He is a civil contractor by profession.Mr. Dongol adapted Rainwater harvesting system in his own house where he runs a Montessori school for almost 44 students and 12 employees. He has developed his house as a demonstration site for complete water solution. I got an opportunity to visit him in context of my academic field visit in the Dallu area .i.e next to the Swyambhunath Temple-"A World Heritage Site". Mr. Dongal was our resource person for the case study of RWH practise in the area. He tour us across the Swyabhunath temple, Dallu Residential area and his own house.


So i would like to share what i have experienced and learnt.

The concept of catching the surface water runoff from the stair of Swyambhunath temple which consist more that 1500 foot step and also from the 9 roapni (49284 sq ft) open land next to recharge in Bhuikhel pond was innovative.

Black soil don?t let the water infiltrate. The pond?s bed was filled with black soil to retain the water in the pond.

Also water may infiltrate through black soil from the cracks, as soil cracks if it is let dry for long, so from the cracks the water infiltrate and the pond cannot retain the water. This is the present challenge in the Bhuikhel Pond.

The solution to this was told to replaced  black soil by red soil (Ratomato in Nepali) as ?Red soil is like powder when its dry but when it comes in contact with water its act like ghee, i.e. it is compacted and form a seal.? said Mr. Dongol

In the pond two recharge well, built to recharge the ground water table.

For the construction of new building in the dallu residential area the RWH system design is compulsory otherwise the building would not be allowed to be built.(Locals initiation)

Among 751 house hold in the area only 40-50 household has only installed RWH system there said Mr. Dongol.

He described and demonstrated the first flush mechanism in the community centre building.

Mr Dongol is independent of KUKL?s, as he has well water management system. He harvests the rain water from the 110 sq m catchment area from his well managed and furnished tiled roof. He harvests the rain and store it in his15000 lt reservoir tank and overflow  water to his well for recharge.

He utilizes the rain water for domestic as well as drinking purpose. The stored water is pumped to the roof in a holding tank it is passed through the Bio-sand filter and stored in a 1000 lt tank as filtered water. Then the water is distributed in the house and Purna Kalash Montessori owened by the community.

The daily demand for the Household and the Montessori is 1200 lt/day as Mr.Dongol informed. He extracts about 700 lt from the well and other 500 lt form the recycled water.

He re-utilize the used water .i.e. hand washed, dish washed, bathed and so on. This water is considered as grey water. So Mr. Dongol posses waste water treatment i.e. these grey water passes through ABR (aerobic baffle reactor).It consist of three compartment of differ sand layers which assist in the treatment of water. The water produces foul smell till this process. After ABR the water is spread into reed bed that consist the ?Narkat?-a kind of biological treating plant  for further treatment, here the foul smell is disappeared. Then water is collected in reservoir as treated water. The other 500 lt water is supplied through this process. Later water is pumped to roof and used for the purpose of flushing, gardening and car washing but not for drinking and cooking as told by Mr. Dongol.

For drinking purpose he has installed and high quality ceramic filter that filter the water and makes it safe and portable.

So from the field visit to Dallu Residential area and Mr. Dongol resident I have learnt about the rain water harvesting system and water management system plus waste water treatment. The concept of zero water waste was practically lived and experienced not 100 % but nearer to it. Thus these are the learning's from my toadys visit -An Eco Behaviour.

Pond Group Catchment Mr. Dongol explaining first flush Open land Stairs

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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    very much impressive
    Posted 30-12-2013 01:02

  • says :
    Thanks for the report.
    Posted 26-12-2013 17:24

  • says :
    Thanks for the report.
    Posted 26-12-2013 17:20

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing.
    Posted 21-12-2013 23:27

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 19-12-2013 18:40

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 19-12-2013 18:39

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 04-12-2013 21:45

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing..!
    Posted 03-12-2013 19:53

  • says :
    I have been again called for the new feasibility study at other places...wow..... an new opportunity to explore more...
    Posted 08-09-2013 02:14

  • says :
    Arati: thank you very much for you comment.
    Its the practical implementation of eco behavior , that i must say.
    You also do visit the place. I suggest to you.
    Posted 30-08-2013 17:01

  • says :
    Anwari Nur Muttaqin :) :). thank you for reading
    Posted 30-08-2013 16:59

  • says :

    Posted 30-08-2013 12:14

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing
    Posted 30-08-2013 11:50

  • says :
    I think this is an awesome solution because Nepal is blessed with enough rain falls so it's the matter of saving it and utilize it at a maximum efficacy.
    Posted 29-08-2013 08:46

  • says :
    thank you for your compliment
    Fanisa Dwita Hanggarani
    Posted 29-08-2013 00:28

  • says :
    thanks for sharing! nice picts really :D
    Posted 28-08-2013 20:40

  • says :
    They have dug two wells in the pond with the height about 2 ft heignt from the base of the pond.The depth of the well had reach the sand layer so that the water can percolate easily.
    The water only recharges after the pond is fill with 2 ft of water height as the 2 ft water is retained in the pond until it evaporates. According to dongol, it is done for the recreational purpose .plus in the area the monkey are found and its the swimming pool for them. :)
    Posted 28-08-2013 15:57

  • says :
    talking about the pond, the water are collected from the stair and open fields runoff as you can see in the picture. The water from the stair are first settled in the settling tank about 1 m depth and 1.5 m wide to avoid the debris from the stairs to mix in the pond.
    Posted 28-08-2013 15:48

  • says :
    I guess yes the area and people in this area are inspirational very much.

    Posted 28-08-2013 15:44

  • says :
    Kehkashan Basu :) :)
    Posted 28-08-2013 15:42

  • says :
    oh thats great sharing Abhi, you visited one of ECO heroes of Tunza Eco generation ,great to learn more especially about the recharging area from swayambhunath, hopefully other will follow the same inspired from the area. Can you please also tell about those wells there in the recharge pond?how do they function? nice to see you all learning such wonderful things out there in field.
    Posted 28-08-2013 13:04

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing!
    Posted 27-08-2013 21:22

  • says :
    :) arushi
    Posted 27-08-2013 19:38

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Impressive ! thanks for sharing.
    Posted 27-08-2013 17:53

  • says :
    :) smriti
    Posted 27-08-2013 13:10

  • says :
    Thank you for your comment Eco gen.
    Posted 27-08-2013 12:57

  • says :
    yes christy lee, this is an alternative solution for the water crisis in Nepal. this was only a pilot Phase. Still the massive change is awaited to come. :)
    Posted 27-08-2013 12:56

  • says :
    thanks for sharing
    Posted 27-08-2013 11:49

  • says :
    Thank you for this awesome article! It's really interesting and this would be a great solution to solve the water scarcity problem of cities in Nepal!
    Posted 27-08-2013 11:24

Eco Generation

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