plant trees |
by Samar Gharti | 27-02-2020 02:14 0 |
BENEFITS IF YOU PLANT TREES: 1. Reducing climate change If people are good at something, it accumulates an excess of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Harmful CO2 contributes to climate change, the biggest current problem facing the world. Trees, however, help fight it. They absorb CO2 by removing it from the air and storing it while releasing oxygen. Trees are our main survival tools; a single tree can produce enough oxygen for four people. 2. Purify the air it is well known that trees purify the air. They absorb polluting gases such as nitrogen oxides, ozone, ammonia, sulfur dioxide. Trees also absorb odors and act as a filter when small particles are trapped in the leaves. A mature acre of trees can annually provide oxygen to 18 people. 3. Refresh the streets Every year we listen to the shocking news of global warming. This happens when the tree cover decreases. Removing trees and replacing them with heat-absorbing asphalt roads and buildings makes cities much warmer. Trees cool cities up to 10 F by providing shade and releasing water. 4. Natural air conditioning It will also reduce carbon dioxide and emissions from power plants. Architects and environmentalists came together and found the big solution - green roofs. Green roofs are an amazing way to integrate vegetation into your home and provide environmental benefits to your community while saving money on cooling bills. 5. Save water With the exception of cooling, trees also help to save water. Due to the shade they provide, water slowly evaporates from low vegetation. Trees need about 15 gallons of water per week to survive, and they release about 200 to 450 gallons of water per day.
thank you for the good report
Posted 18-08-2020 13:10
Planting tree is saving earth.
Posted 28-03-2020 12:10
Thanks for your report.
Posted 27-03-2020 01:29
Thanks for report
Posted 26-03-2020 11:17
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report
Posted 12-03-2020 11:35
Thank you so much for sharing your report!!
Really felt great to go through it..
Green cheers
Jasmine karki
Posted 02-03-2020 02:51
Thanks Samar for the report
Posted 28-02-2020 23:30
Hello samar
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report
Posted 28-02-2020 11:30