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Theme Report Feb 2023- Green Leaders

by Aaditya Singh | 20-02-2023 09:13 recommendations 1

I have often thought about the term GREEN LEADERS and wondered if we can all be green leaders in our own way by leading a life that promotes the protection and conservation of the environment. In this way by following the principles of Green living, we can set a good example and create awareness around us towards a healthy and sustainable future. In this context, I want to share my actions towards a green future. I do not claim to be a leader, but through this report, I want to encourage new members and fellow Ambassadors, and be a part of their eco journey as well.

In my opinion, taking care of nature is a journey and not a destination. Climate action and sustainability is a part of our education and growing years, not just a matter of choice but a pressing need of the hour. I have been actively involved with eco conservation activities since early childhood. Besides participating in various events, contents, clean up drives and environment workshops, at a personal level, I have always tried to use creative and performing arts to promote awareness. I strongly feel that while trying to deliver such important messages, sometimes a drawing or a sculpture; or perhaps a song or poem or dance can leave a more lasting impression than a lecture or a text or an essay.


I am 19 years old and my friendship with Tunza is 10 years old! I am very content and happy to recall that Tunza Ecogen has been a great platform for me for the LAST DECADE having offered me a learning and sharing opportunity first as a member for 4 years (2013 to 2017) and thereafter as an ambassador for the last 6 years (2017-2023). An ideal edutainment (education and entertainment) platform, at Tunza I have learnt from the reports posted by fellow members, as also maintained a record of my own environment related efforts and activities through the reports. Looking back to recall my eco conservation journey, I delved into my reports on the Tunza Ecogen website and want to share some of my work with you all!!!


I have given below the links for some of my reports on the Tunza Ecogen platform that highlight my creative efforts and my participation in the community at a personal level as well as in collaboration with others. I hope to stay connected with Tunza in the years to come and look forward to a green journey ahead wherein I can collaborate with other members towards paving the path for a sustainable future.


Crossword Puzzle 

¡®My Eco Dream¡¯ Crossword puzzle to engage and interact with fellow members






Drawing on the Topic 'Peace through Environmental Sustainability'


Drawing on the Topic 'Green Living'




Poem on the Topic 'Say No to Poaching¡¯


Poem and drawing on the Topic 'Go Green- A New Leaf'




Song on the Topic 'It¡¯s time to change'




Organizing Awareness Events

Event on the topic ¡®Living Green¡¯, for young children at India Club in Dubai


Event to promote Tunza Ecogen among my classmates at my school in Krems Austria



Eco Projects

Project with reusable cloth bags


Model on Global Warming, made with waste materials


Project on small scale upcycling of organic waste (Series of 6 reports)


World Environment Day Activities (Series of 5 Reports)



Participation in Events

¡®Fridays for Future¡¯ Movement in Austria


Clean Up Drive and tree planting in UAE


Participation in Social and Community Initiatives

Ted Talk 'Seeds of Peace' about Sustainable Peace


Active involvement with PYM Protect Your Mom Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign


Philanthropy & Charitable initiatives- My efforts in collaboration with a Tunza Ambassador


Participation in Competitions

Participation in ¡®Trust for Sustainable Living¡¯ Schools Debates and Awards


Participation in yearly Tunza-UNEP Essay Contest




Snippets from my journey with Tunza Ecogen

First report as a member in 2013


First report as an Ambassador in 2017


There are many many other reports and activities but of course, I cannot list them here!!!

From the age of 9 to 19!!!
A photo collage of my 10 years journey with Tunza Ecogen from 2013 to 2023

And the highlight of my Tunza journey- Attended Junior Eco Engineering Academy in Seoul in 2017 as one of the selected representatives from UAE

JEEA 2017My Tunza Ecogen Journey


  • Austria Youth Aaditya Singh
  • recommend


Fidele Nyandwi

Minkyung Mentor

  • Minkyung Mentor says :
    Hello, this is your mentor Minkyung.

    Thank you for sharing your opinion on the role of green leaders. I am very grateful that you have been with Tunza for the past 10 years, and I hope your interest in the environment continues!
    Posted 01-03-2023 22:36

  • Junghyun Mentor Yoon says :
    Hi, Aaditya Singh!
    This is your mentor, Yoon.

    Thank you for sharing your viewpoint on green leaders. It is very impressive to know about your sincere participation in Tunza Ecogen. I am honored to know about your 10-year journey to contribute to building a sustainable future.

    Excellent job on writing the thematic report.
    I am looking forward to reading your following report!
    Posted 27-02-2023 14:23

Tuvimanyu  Gautam

  • Ashish Kumar says :
    This is really great, Aaditya!
    Posted 21-02-2023 02:51

Shreya Kaushik

  • Shreya Kaushik says :
    Very thoughtful and creative! Keep shining!
    Posted 21-02-2023 01:27

Kaushal Niraula

Yashaswi Hegde

  • Yashaswi Hegde says :
    This is really inspiring, Aaditya! I checked out the puzzle, it's fantastic!
    Posted 20-02-2023 18:37

Prince Foley

  • Prince Foley says :
    This is impressive Aaditya
    Posted 20-02-2023 16:01

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